Got an Aggressive Dog?

Signs You Might Have An Aggressive Dog

There are many signs and symptoms that could mean your dog is aggressive. This can be overcome by a professional trainer if you are unable to do anything about these behaviors. Many of the behavioral signs you will see include excessive barking, growling around food and toys, fearfulness, attacks, and more.

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Excessive Barking is one of the major signs of Interdog Aggression . However, some dogs do bark a lot and barking can be overcome. Your dog might bark all night long when it is outside and be causing a disturbance to the neighbors. It might bark throughout the day every time people walk by in the yard also. This is a sign of aggression.

Some dogs with interdog aggression often attempt to protect their own possessions. These possessions might include their food and water and their toys or bones. If you walk near them or pick them up the dog may bark. In most cases, an aggressive dog barks at other dogs in the home that touch their possessions or even children.

Fearfulness is another sign that your dog may have interdog aggression. This occurs when you take your dog for walks or to public parks and your dog is afraid of other people or other dogs. In any new situation your aggressive dog may show that it is afraid.

The result of interdog aggression could be an attack. This is the worst case scenario but it could cause a judge to demand your dog be put down. It is the last thing you want to happen. If you notice signs or symptoms of interdog aggression you should contact a local trainer or your Veterinarian to seek advice to help your dog.

Dog aggression is a term used by dog owners and breeders to describe canine-to-canine antipathy.

Aggression itself is usually defined by canine behaviorists as "the intent to do harm". Many dogs show "displays of aggression" such as barking, growling, or snapping in the air, which are considered distance-increasing actions, those that intend to get the person or dog to move away from the aggressive dog. Some dog-aggressive dogs display aggression that is mainly defensive, and they harm another dog only if they perceive that they have no option. Yet, other dogs may develop dog-aggressive behaviour due to medical reasons, such as hormonal imbalances.

Dog aggression is a common dog behavior, and can be seen in all breeds of dogs, although some dog breeds have a predisposition to display such aggression. The breed standard usually spells out whether dog aggression is common in the breed and to what degree it is allowed. Most of the terrier breeds and the bull breeds are believed to have a higher likelihood of developing dog-aggression upon reaching maturity. Individual dogs may or may not display the level of aggression that their breed standard suggests. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that these types of dogs are properly socialized and given a proper amount of exercise.

As well as breeding, a dog's experiences may affect his chance of developing dog aggression. A dog that is attacked as a puppy may develop fear-based dog aggression towards all dogs, or perhaps only towards dogs that resemble the dog that attacked him. Although people tend to bring these reactions out of dogs more often than dogs themselves, dogs only pay attention to what their owners allow.

Dogs that display dog-aggressive behaviour do not necessarily show aggressive behaviour towards humans. The two types of aggression are not necessarily related, and do not always occur in the same animal.

Factors contributing aggressive dog behavior

Factors contributing to the likelihood of the development of dog aggression include: Anxiety, fear or phobia Lack of structure Lack of proper exposure to other dogs during the critical socialization period Early imprinting by an aggressive or nervous dam A traumatic experience Territorial behavior Thyroid malfunction or other medical conditions Abuse from owners Medical or physical ailments Breeding and genetic predisposition

Dog aggression manifests at the age of adolescence to social maturity (6 months to 4 years). Warning signs such as fear and/or nervousness around other dogs, displays of aggression only under certain circumstances (while on leash, in the presence of food, in the presence of the owner, etc.), or most commonly, over-the-top play behavior can be seen at any stage of the dog's development. Play behavior such as tackling, chasing, mouthing, nipping, pawing, and wrestling are all normal canine behaviors that serve the evolutionary function of preparing the young dog for later combat and hunting. Young dogs that engage in excessive amounts of these behaviors are much more likely to develop dog aggression as they age.

Dog-dog aggression should not be confused with dog-human aggression (also referred to as "dominance" aggression when directed at the owner).

Many people commonly mistake fear and anxiety-related aggression as "dominance aggression," which is inaccurate. Dominance is rarely the cause of aggressive behaviors in dogs, with fear and anxiety being the greatest cause of both dog and human directed aggression.

Lack of exercise is not a cause of aggressive behavior, although exercise boosts serotonin levels, which offset stress hormones such as cortisol, and can complement a behavior modification program. However, it is a common misbelief that aggressive dogs are "not exercised enough." Many aggressive dogs are exercised regularly.

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Owners father aggressive pit bull mix 
This dog will sit lay down rollover shake speak ifyou say it has bit my daughter when she reached to pet him bit her boyfriend for the same and attacked …

My daughter's 10 month old great Dane is sometimes agressive with me! .  
When I am sitting on the couch, she will get right in my face, sometimes she wants to be petted, loved, to go outside or to be fed! She can be so sweet …

Scared Mum 
i have 2 dogs 14 and 13 with cateracts and one has become very angry, aggressive and bullish to the point of picking serious fights with the other...attacking …

Aggressive/protective terrier 
I have a 6 year old terrier (male, nurtured) who is becoming more and more aggressive. If I am alone in a room reading and Ollie is in the room with me …

Aggressive boxer  
My neighbor has 2 aggressive boxers. They charge at me barking and showing teeth when they see me outdoors. I am 79 year old widow. I am afraid they will …

Agressive Chihuahua 
Help! My husband and I recently moved into our motorhome with our two chis – ages 7 and 3. The 7 year old has always been jealous of the 3 year old. She …

Mrs E M Richardson 
15 Month old Scottish Terrier Growling Lunging Biting

Dog agressive boxer rescue 
My pup is very docile. Except going on walks and we encounter another dog. Body language is the only way I know he is upset. He has no warning system. …

Aggressive lab mix 
Rescued a lab mix @ 10 months old. She is 4 now. She is walked daily and exercised often. She is either part pit or boxer. How do I help her overcome her …

Lunging bully pup 
When i walk my dog i always have him on a lead as he is a big boy when he was 12 wks old a dog of leash came and lunged at him followed by another the …

11 month old female pittbull aggressive toward smaller female in the home 
We have 5 dogs two are pitts. Suddenly my 11 month old 50 pound pitt Myah and my 2 year old 10 pound min pin/ Chihuahua mix Lexi started fighting and …

Theo is 5 year old whoodke. Wheaton /poodle Generally living g dog. But high anxiety with visitors. When my 6 year old granddaughter comes over. …

Aggressive Mtn. Cur 
Our 3 yr old female, Mtn. Cur, named Copper suddenly and viciously attacked a 12 yr old female Australian Shepard, who she knows. The Aussie is a growler …

Aggressive change in 2 year old Beagle mix 
My Beagle, Rya, is almost 2, and recently she has been without warning attacking our other two senior dogs. A little history, we got her at about 2 …

Aggressive Scottish Terrier  
I have a 5 year old neutered Scottish Terrier male. I rescued another Scottish Terrier male that's not neutered but are very scared and just loveable. …

Aggressive English bull terrier female puppy  
I have a 5 month old English bull terrier who has become aggressive to my son's miniature schnauzer. They were fine for the first 2 months but suddenly …

Aggressive chihuahua 
We have a 7 year old male who clings to my mother’s heels. Whenever she leaves him at home however, even for just an hour to run to the store, he runs …

Eddie and Cartman  
My my husband was on the couch with our 2 dogs Eddie a dachshund and Cartman chuweenie, we aren't sure what happened but they started fighting 1st time …

Aggressive Lab Mix - 10 years old 
I have a rescue who is 10 years old and have a hard time even taking him for a walk due to him being so aggressive. He attacks the neighbors dogs as well. …

aggressive mini dobie mixed 
I have a mini dobie mixed that has become aggressive at times toward me the male of the house and yes he is male also. He was very loving until he spent …

Aggresive minni foxy puppy to other dogs  
I have a 5 month old male minni foxy hes very playfull loves tug of war games and chasy i have an old male jack russal who is very quiet and has arthritis …

Agressive lhasa apso  
My dog suddenly turned aggressive towards family at 3 years . He bit my bro my mom badly 6-7 bites all over legs and dnt leave her till date its been …

My German Shepard is 10 months old I got her when she was 8 weeks old took her to obedience training she was a meek puppy than all of a sudden she became …

Aggressive lhasa apso 
My dog has all issues he is extremely ready to attack any body on the road all dogs kids ppl . He started attacking my mom biting her to a point where …

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Aggressive Miniature Pincher/Pomeranian mix (Rust color) 
We have always had AMSTAFs. We were given this dog very quickly saying he needed a home. He has these aggressive traits on this website against my 17 …

aggressive Labrador 
we have a male 2 year old chol. lab. We have had him since he was 6 weeks old. We also have three other dogs, a male black lab 7 years old, female yellow …

Collie, Aussie mix puppy 
I just got a new puppy he's 9wks old and i already have a 11yr old miniature min pin has about half his teeth due to dental problems and when …

Newly Aggressive APBT 
I am trying to help a young woman who has just adopted a very sweet, scared 6-month-old Pit/Akita female pup (Starla) I fostered to overcome her extreme …

Aggressive schdodle  
He is aggressive toward everyone except my husband and me. This behavior started about three months ago and is not improving. Any shudder or loud noises …

Aggressive Dog 
This is a follow up to my post of two weeks ago. We have contacted the rescue centre where my partner got the dog from. She has given us much the same …

Aggressive 4 yr old resuce Chi mix 
I had 2 dogs. My Chi passed away 6/26/19. So my Shep mix seemed lonely. So we rescued a 4 yr old Chi, and its been a nightmare for the past 19 days. She …

Aggressive Dog! 
Our rescue collie is 4 years old and we have had him for a year. Lately he has been exhibiting growling at other dogs when they come near him. We have …

Aggressive Border Collie 
Our Border Collie is 8 months old. He is barks aggressively non-stop when someone comes in the house or around the fence in our yard. He does bark …

Aggressive Chihuahua/Terrier Mix. 
My sisters dog (10lbs) is aggressive toward humans and other dogs. She will take food from my hand then turn around and attack. She will lay in my lap, …

Aggressive German Shepherd 
Evee is two years old femal german shepherd. She is a good dog when at home with the family. She gets very excited when visitors come to the house but …

Aggressive chijuajua 
My dog is 4 lbs shorthair Black and Tan purebread chijuajua ,she is 9 years old and in perfect health, I got her when she was 8 weeks old she is spayed …

Aggressive 3 year old mini schnauzer  
Our 3 year old female mini schnauzer Taylor has always disliked my son in law who lives with us. The past couple months it’s gotten worse to the point …

Aggressive 4 year old husky toward other dogs 
we got a 4 year old husky that does not get along with other dogs we have 2 other dogs have to keep a way from husky for safety husky ok until another …

Terrible Teen Behaviour 
Hello, i have an 11 month old ridgeback who is not neutered yet, at times he has the crazies and lunges at me and tries to bite, he then lays down on his …

Very aggressive chiweenie 
We have 3 dogs and the chiweenie (6 yr) wants to kill our little beagle(1yr). The two dogs that fight are both girls and the chiweenie is fixed. The two …

“Aggressive Boxer” 
Bruno is a 1 year old Boxer and We have an older Boxer 4 years old Bruno has an been exhibiting aggressive behaviors: when walking with him he will …

Aggressive turned rescue dog  
My 1 years old rescue mix seems fine when alone with me & my hsb. He’s still very energetic and at times jumps up just on me . This gets my other dog to …

Agressiive Rat Terrier male neutered at 5 is about 5 
Buddy just started getting aggressive. If he has to move out of the spot if on the couch or in a bed in someone's spot. He will grown then show his teeth …

I have 2, 2 1/2 year old yorkiepoos. Molly i have had since she was 6 weeks old Rosie I got at 1 year old. They are both from the same litter. Rosie …

Aggressive Yorkie 
We adopted our puppy from another home at the age of 8 months. He was the normal happy playful puppy; until most recently. He still is happy and playful …

Aggressive Beagle against Same age Doberman 
My 6 yo female Beagle has suddenly become aggressive against my 6 year old female doberman. This has happened after my 12 yo doberman male died of heart …

Papillon/Corgi Mix 
I have a 7-year-old Papicorgi named Panda. I got her from the Broward County Animal Shelter when she was 5. She was very aggressive and would bite when …

Aggressive Corgi  
My 7 month old Corgi wants to maul my 8 year old Westie all the time. This behavior is annoying to everyone. How can I overcome this behavior.

aggrssive pitbull - boxer cross. 
I have ang around like crazy dog that comes nuts when another dog approaches. He barks and starts jumping around like crazy. I think he would kill this …

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Aggressive or dominant? 
Hi, we have an American Staffordshire Terrier and up until now we never had any problems with him. He listens quite well actually and isn't dominant nor …

Jack Russell 
Hi my dog attacked by a standard schuanzer and since then he does not like large or medium-sized dogs. He tends to say hello then gets angry shows …

aggressive shitzu 
I have a 14 month old shitzu that I rescued from an Amish puppy ill at 7 weeks with 3 broken legs. I nursed the puppy back to health and he has been the …

Aggressive older pit bull 
Me and my girlfriend have been dating for over 3 years, prior to and during that time her neutered male pit is usually very calm but is overly protective …

Aggressive 4 year old Brittany 
Mutton is such a sweet guy but sometimes he attacks me! Like a couple times a day - I will just be sitting at the computer or on the couch and he will …

Aggressive Lab Pit mix  
So I got my 2 and a half year old lab mix when he was about 3-4months old and my sister has his brother. They both were like playful normal puppies.. as …

Aggressive service dog 
HI, I am a 100% disabled veteran that has a service dog. I got him when he was 7 wks old and he is 3 yrs old now. He is part Black Lab and part Newfie …

Mini Fox Terrier Becomes Aggressive  
My mini foxie Boofy is 6 years old and has not been desexed. He was living with two other mini foxies Gizmo and Molly in a 10 x 8 metre yard purposely …

Aggression toward cat 
I have a 5 year old, 60lb Lab/Pit mix. We found in the street in front of our house, too young to be taken away from his mother. He has skin irritation …

10yo German Shepherd hates animals only 
He’s very nice, listens well, calm all day. Loves people, including infants. Doesn’t mind toddlers who want to ride him. But when he sees a dog... or cat …

My 10 month old dog cant get rid of aggression 
I have a almost 10month old staffy/ pit cross male. He is now my 3rd dog of the same breeds but by far is the naughtiest. Since puppy he gets exercise …

aggressive lab/pit bull mix 
Dog gets out and continually tries to attack our neighbor's shih Tzu in their yard. Police have been called twice, next time citation.

Yorkshire Terrier cross Shitzu 
My crossbreed is a loving dog usually but whenever he sees a cat he becomes aggressive and nasty. He has attacked our neighbour's cat twice now and this …

Barking at other dogs (he is a fox terrier) 
My terrier barks and growls at other dogs when out on walks its very hard to control

Aggressive Toy Yorkshire Terrier with other dogs if they come near me. 
Hello, We were considering purchasing a male Pembroke Welsh Corgie Mix dog~ The mother is a German Shepard Mix and the father is a Pembroke Welsh …

Aggressive pomerianian 
I rescued Bailey from a puppy mill. He is a good boy as long as he is not in his crate. If I try to put my hand in his crate while he is in there he will …

Aggressive deaf rescue.  
We have a rescue dog. She is just under two years old and deaf. She has huge aggression issues towards our other rescue we got before her. She has gooddays …

Suddenly aggressive 2 yr old Welsh/border collie cross 
My male dog has been well trained attended puppy classes unlike our 4 yr old BC who never went to any training. He was brilliant until about 6 months ago. …

Aggressive blue nose 
I have had her for 8 years she went blind at the age of 5 glaucoma.we brought home a new puppy at that time therer was bullying but we put a stop to it …

Chi Terrier Mix Puppy  
We recently adopted a 4 mo old chi terrier mix. He seems to devoted to our five family member (3 children ages 7, 4, and 2) but tonight while sleeping …

A yorkiepoo, a 9 week old GSD, and 9 month old GSD 
Hello, back in 2010 my mother got a little Yorkie Poo as a puppy, about a year and a half later I got a hound dog that she was fine with. Then fast forward …

Pure breed Rottweiler 
My rottweiler has always loved people we socialized him since he was born hes so friendly but about two months ago when he turned a year it all changed …

Aggressive profoundly deaf English Bulldog  
Help! I own a small clothing store and on nights that I’m working late I will bring my deaf bulldog to work with me. When here I always keep her in my …

Aggressive 2.5 year old Great Dane Male 
I rescued a 2.5 year old Great Dane recently who is a sweet heart at home but has taken to guarding me. He's showing aggression (teeth baring, growling, …

Aggressive Germain Shepard - lab 
Hi there , I have an 8 month old pup, he has had some major issues -- he was diagnosed with Pano at 3 months and was put on pain meds and steroids, …

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Agressive Boston Terrier Pitbull Mix 
I adopted an Boston Terrier Pitbull mix two weeks ago. The woman who owned the dog who is four years old had to go into a nursing home because of dementia. …

My sister and Brother in laws new 2 yr old male Pit 
They recently acquired a male pit , he is 2 years old and they fell in love with him , they try to spoil him and he is fine with everything except my sisters …

Aggressive Chihuahua/ Pomeranian Mix 
Hi, my dog is 6 yrs old and has become very bossy with my older Yorkie. The Yorkie being over 9 years okd - both are rescues.I've had them both since …

aggressive English bulldog  
I have a 5 year old sweet female boxer, a 5 year old male poodle mix and a 1 1/2 year old female English bulldog. My bulldog won't attack the tiny male …

Aggresive american pitbull terrier  
I have a 8 month old American pitbull terrier and his name is Winston. I bought him when he was 11 weeks. He is the sweetest thing to me my three sisters …

Aggressive Schnauzer  
I bought my black schnauzer from a breeder at 6 weeks old. I brought him home at 10 weeks. He was not your typical lovely dovey schnauzer. He seemed a …

Possible Husky shepherd cross.  
Whip is 4 years old. Rescue. Was told he was border collie, don't see it in anyway, but that is ok. He is not a bit aggressive with other dogs or …

Aggressive AmStaff 
I adopted a rescue dog when he was about 10 months old. I have had him for 3 months now. It took a few weeks for him to start showing aggression. He never …

Mixed temperament Staffordshire terrier chow chow mix 
My 3 year old Mia is a mix breed of Staffordshire Terrier and Chow Chow. So she has the strength of a bully breed and an attitude of a chow chow. She is …

Aggressive cockapoo - 20 months  
My daughter was sitting on the couch and our dog was on the floor about 4 feet away chewing on a bone. She got up to come to me and gingerly walked about …

Agressive chihuahua cross Yorkshire terrier  
What do I do as my dog gets protective over everything in our house and aggressively bites a lot?

Aggressive rottie 
I have a 2 year old rottie that's extremely aggressive with food and when he is around children besides my own he has bitten a few kids not hard but enough …

Aggression leads to attacks on humans 
I have a Black Labrador retriever who I rescued from a family that was unable to cope with his aggressive behavior toward humans and a little less toward …

Aggressive yet sweet pitbull terrier 
Hi there my name is Noel and I recently adopted a 2 year old pitbull terrier mix named kita. I don't have a lot of information on her previous owner but …

sometimes aggressive black mouth cur 
We inherited/rescued what was supposed to have been a rhodesian ridgeback/mastiff from our son who thought it was a good idea to get a "house dog" while …

Aggressive Miniature Pinscher 
In May of 2015, my fiancé, Ed, and I bought a Min-Pin puppy from a breeder when the puppy was about 2 months old. Ed wanted a female; I wanted a male. …

Our loving black pit/lab is all of a sudden showing signs of aggression towards kids!! PLEASE HELP 
We have had a black lab/ pit bull for about a year now. He has been the best dog to my husband myself and our two young daughters. Recently we our husband …

Aggressive Saint Bernard 
I have a 2 year old neutered saint Bernard, he is not aggressive to any dogs at the dog park and all the dogs roam around off lead. I have 7 Scottish …

Terrier Chihuahua Mix snapping / aggressive 
Please help , we have a cute 4 year old Terrier Chihuahua Mix ...We have had her 4 months now...She has always been a little snapping / aggressive....We …

Pit/lab mix 
My niece has five dogs they rescued 3 of them and everytime the boxer turns around the pit/lab jumps it the boxer is 9yrs old and the pit/lab is 3yrs old …

Aggressive black lab 
we have black lab showed up at our house during storm took couple of days before she would come around us then she came in garage and became friendly to …

Aggressive black lab 
we have black lab showed up at our house during storm took couple of days before she would come around us then she came in garage and became friendly to …

5 year old sheltie snarls at puppy 
We have a 5 year old sheltie and 14 year old beagle mix. Our beagle is the only dog our sheltie "likes", since she's been with her since we got her at …

Aggressive 3 year old Akita 
My 3 year old male Akita has been socialized around people and other dogs since he was a puppy. As he started to get older, he would sometimes attack …

Pembroke welsh Corgi 
I have a 11 month male Pembroke corgi i recently neutered. I adopted him 2 1/2 weeks ago.I think it may be hormones but unsure.I have 3 female dogs of …

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Pembroke welsh Corgi 
I have a 11 month male Pembroke corgi i recently neutered. I adopted him 2 1/2 weeks ago.I think it may be hormones but unsure.I have 3 female dogs of …

aggressive beagle boxer mix 
I have two greyhounds one of them is very submissive that's the one my beagle boxer mixed goes after. She can just be sleeping and my beagle boxer will …

Aggressive Boxer 
My boxer is 5 yrs old. The first 3 years we lived in a rural home with a fenced yard & very little traffic. We moved in to a subdivision with a lot of …

Kings Aggression 
my bully is named KING...he is nearly 10 months old and he has always been pretty laid back in comparison to typical bully puppies or any breed really. …

aggressive small jack russell. 
My brothers terrier who is 2yrs,is very aggressive towards people and other dogs,he has actually bitten someone (a friend of ours),trying to get to their …

Double agression 
I have a 1.5 year old brother and sister Bichon/American Eskimo cross. The female barks at other dogs and barks/charges strangers but stops in front of …

Aggressive 14 week old Lab 
We have a 14 almost 15 week old lab puppy. She can be very sweet but also very aggressive. She has gotten really bad with food aggression. We can give …

pitbull rescue turning aggressive towards all humans except me 
i rescued a 2 year old female pitbull named pip 4 months ago. her past is not known with certainty, however she is covered in scars (including one across …

Aggressive pit lab mix 
My dog jake is showing a lot of aggression he growled at my roommate and and when my other roommate spanked his butt he tried to bite him and he just keeps …

Aggressive pit lab mix 
My dog jake is showing a lot of aggression he growled at my roommate and and when my other roommate spanked his butt he tried to bite him and he just keeps …

my pitt bull becoming aggressive to dogs at 6 yrs old 
i have had my female blue/red nose Pitt since she was 8 weeks old. she is a high energy girl. has always been very sweet and getting along with other dogs. …

aggressive chihuahua terrier mix 
I have a 12year old boy lab./mix who is spaded and a 8 yr old boy Chihuahua terrier mix not spaded dogs. the Chihuahua always attacks the lab. several …

Yorkshire aggressive to older pug 
Hi, my name is Toni and I have two dogs. One female pug that I have for 8 years (I don't know her age since it was a rescue). She has a very limited vision …

Yorkshire aggressive to older pug 
Hi, my name is Toni and I have two dogs. One female pug that I have for 8 years (I don't know her age since it was a rescue). She has a very limited vision …

Aggresive Shorkie 
I have a 2.5 year old Yorkie and a 4 month old Shorkie. The Shorkie is very aggressive when playing. Everytime the Yorkie has a toy the Shorkie wrestles …

Aggressive French Mastiff/blue blood bulldog mix 
Our 2yr old (neutered) French mastiff cross was 7wks when we got him and VERY timid and fearful so we put him in puppy training and went on to spend over …

Aggressive Akita 
I have a one year old Male Akita. He has been raised with my three year old female Lab. He dominates her, and has had her by the throat over a crumb of …

Aggressive staff my 
My 10 month old staff keeps biting me Friday was bad I had to seek medical treatment what can I do

Aggressive Yokie after 5 years. 
I have a 5 year old male yorkie. He will be 6 years old in june 2017. He is starting to bite. Thegrommer that he has been going too all his life, informed …

Aggressive Female Yorkie puppy. 
I have a 10 year old Shih Tzu and a poodle puppy. I decided to add another pup to keep entertain my poodle. I adopted a Yourkie pup 10 months old. She …

Aggressive Terrier Cross 
We brought our dog Lucy home to us when she was about 4 years old. She is now 9 1/2 years old and has much of the same energy levels that she had when …

Aggressive 12 yr old Jack Rat Terrier mix 
Rosco my jack rat I've had since he was about 5 months old. As he has gotten older he has become more aggressive snarling and barking at the lab we have …

Aggressive Staffordshire bull terrier 
I have a six year old Golden Retriever and a 4 year old pure bred staffy. I inherited the staffy eighteen months ago. He was great with my retriever until …

Mini dachshunds aggressive 
My 10 yr. Old dachshunds gets aggressive with my 22 yr.old daughter, She can pet her sometimes or alot of times she walks by her and she goes crazy and …

Please help 1 year old male pit 
Please give me ideas on how to break this aggression. I have another older pit in the house and he loves her.

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dog-dog, dog-human, territorial aggressive American Foxhound 
Rescue dog, American Foxhound w/boxer mix (DNA test by vet), sometimes growls at other dogs wanting to attack, growls sometimes at humans even while on …

Aggressive Rat Terrier 
I have two rat terrier sisters that I purchased together . Sisters , LaLa and GiGi.......they are great dogs but it seems now that it is nicer out they …

Wende sue nomie 
We rescued two dogs from the butte fire turned out we ended up having 10 a few months later.. out of that litter we kept 1 female cause she was just well …

Aggressive to her dog friends mixed golden retriever 2 1/2 yrs. Old 
Have had herfor alittle over a year. She had her litter about 6 months ago,gave one of her puppies to my friend on the lot beside us,and they have 4 other …

10 month old Aggressive boxer/Rottweiler  
Hi there, Our boy Finn is a 10month old boxer/Rottweiler. He has been a great puppy so far, except recently he has been very agressive on our walks. He …

Aggressive American Bulldog 
Our 8 month AB shows serious signs of aggression towards anyone not in our family. I have 4 children and he is wonderful with all of us, but not with …

Collie cross German shepherd aggression  
We need help! My husband rescued a collie cross Earl now 7or8 when we met and 2 years later we rescued Bear 4or5 they have lived together for 3 years …

7 Year Old English Bulldog Aggression 
Hi, I have two female 7 year old English Bulldogs, they came from the same litter but I got them 2 years apart. Nike, who I received first, was 1 years …

recently agressive Labradoodle 
I have a Labradoodle who is 2 years old and is becoming more aggressive with other dogs and people. She is good and walks with me at a heal position, but …

Aggressive Labrador Retriever 
Our dog, Pip is 7 years old. We "rescued" her from the SPCA when she was a year old and we have had her 6 years. She is a loving, friendly dog to us and …

Aggressive Yorkshire Terrier 
We've had our 4yr old yorkie for 2 months. Most of the time he is a joy to have, but there are times when he becomes so aggressive it is frightening. He …

aggressive english shepard 
my dog is an english shepard he turns 1 year on january the 31st. i take him on walks every now and then he is super friendly towrads other dogs and is …

Aggressive chow with other dogs 
I have a 2 year old chow who has been socialized with every dog park,since the age of 12 weeks old and goes to Starbucks practically every day. Loves people …

Aggressive Rat Terrier Mix Puppy Very Aggressive With Visitors 
We bought our little Rat Terrier Mix when he was 2 months old, from the Humane Society. Even at this very young age he growled a deep growl at me when …

my 3 y/o female GSD is being aggressive with new pup 
Hi, I recently adopted a six month old blue nose pit male. He is adorable and very sweet, non aggressive and only wanting to please. He has bonded great …

2 year old cockapoo becoming aggressive 
We have a 2 year old cockapoo and a 4 year old westie We bought the cockapoo after our golden retriever died and our westie just missed him so much we …

Aggressive Bejo Shitizu 
Why would my five year old Shitzu Bejo continually waant to have attacts towards his 4 and a half month baby brother This is very frightening for the baby …

18 month old Dane 
Marley is quite protective of her home and family, arriving home a neighbor try's to approach Dog, Dog barks, neighbor keeps trying to talk to dog, Dog …

Aggressive Ridgeback/Lab Mix 
So I got two dogs within weeks of each other from 2 different agencies. The Ridgeback/Lab mix was approx 6 months old when we adopted him, he was a surrender …

Aggressive approx 2 yr old Maltese rescue 
We rescued Bobby in July. The rescue had him since January, which probably tells us that he was rescued and returned maybe several times because of his …

Aggressive 13 yr old greyhound 
Family of three mum dad and 4yr old is only aggressive to mum. Runs at her and snarls as he jumps up in her face. She can feel his breath on her …

7 month old Daschund is aggressive towards other dogs 
Hi.. I'm looking for some advise and help please...I have a beautiful 7 month old Daschund...he has a very loving gentle nature...however when out walking …

Agressive Border Collie 
This puppy was left at a local place here in town, not a shelter. My grandson wanted him so we took him in. He did ok for a while but never liked strange …

Super Aggressive 6 Month Old Pit Bull Puppy 
Unbeknownst to me, my 17 year old daughter bought a purebred Pittie pup. She was keeping her at her boyfriend's house. when they broke up, I reluctantly …

Aggressive rottweiler 
My dog 3 years old rottweiler become too much aggressive he bit me he has become more dangerous when he inside my house, I don't know what to do can you …

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Aggressive 3 year old male boxer who isn't fixed 
I have 3 dogs, pitbull fixed male and chi mix fixed female. All dogs have always gotten along as pitbull was a rescue, chi mix was the eldest and boxer …

Rescued Dachshund with Aggression Issues 
Hi, we recently adopted a 6yr old male Dachshund who was rescued from a puppy mill, very sweet and loving little guy. We currently have an 8yr old female …

Biting year old pitt 
My 12 month old pitt bull male (neutered) has begun to bite. We have corrected him earlier when he growls or barks aggressively. He is a sweet dog, minds …

shari pei 
Bell Mae is my five year old dog ,that I do believe as she gets older is afraid of dogs. She has been dog aggressive since about one I have had several …

Mixed pit rescued dog a out 2 years old now about 6 
My dog is a mixed pit. Very sweet and great with people and kids of all ages. Tends to be protective of my grandchildren. Never growls just takes a stand …

Has become aggressive 
Goose is a Dobie/Mountain Cur we got from Dobie rescue 3 months ago; very sweet to us, was great around guests, kids... was pre-approved as a therapy dog, …

Aggressive PitBull mix (i think jack rusell) 
I got Penny when she was about 4 months old. I got her from someone that could no longer keep her due to their rental agreement. I live with my boyfriend …

wheaten terrier 
I have a 7 year old wheaten terrier who has been the absolute sweetest, loving, easy going dog ever. About 6 months ago we realized that he seemed depressed. …

aggressive shitzu pug mix 
We got 2yr old Tom 2 weeks ago from a shelter he was calm and gentle at first but now he has turned against my 11 yr old son, I know I have made a mistake …

bull tertier attck 
My bull terrier mix is very dog reactive while on a leash and in our yard. But gets along great with our other 3 dogs and is fine with our cats. I …

Aggressive 1 yr old pit/black lab 
My 1yr old pit/lab mix is starting to get very aggressive with certain family memberso and other people not only in my house but at my mother's house also. …

Great dane,lab mix 
My dog has always been friendly to people since we adopted him at the age of 2 or so.he seemed timid around big guys wit beards or long hair and would …

Aggressive 12 week old Bull Breed puppy 
I have acquired a 12 week old male bull-breed puppy from a friend who could not keep the puppy as the puppy was fighting with his 3 year old Labrador female. …

Border collie sudden aggression  
I have a 13 month old border collie called Murphy, we got him as a 10 week old puppy his previous owner had him 4 weeks but realised she made a mistake …

Aggressive 6 year old male pit bull 
Hi, I rescued my pit when he was 11 months old. He had been found left locked in an abandoned car in an urban area. He and I have moved twice and three …

Aggressive Jack Russell/Rat Terrier Mix 
We adopted our dog when he was 3 months old. He has always loved playing with other dogs and has not been overly friendly but accepting of strangers (human). …

Dog aggressive German Shepherd 
Hope is almost 4 year old male neutered at 9mos, now at he's 92 lbs. He was not properly socialized with other dogs when he was young. I live in a neighborhood …

Aggressive pit bull  
I have 10 month old pitbull who is just the sweetest most lovable dog you could ask for butt he is aggressive towards two kids down the street. I believe …

Aggressive 7 pound Yorkie 
We have a 12 year old harmless, non barking shitzhu, named Mistee, who is afraid of storms...4 years ago, we decided to get a Yorkie Silkie who is full …

Aggressive Yorkie Poo 
When we first got my 2 year old yorkie poo (Lilo) he greeted everyone silently. We all thought he was mute because he wouldn't bark at all. On contact …

Aggressive American Bull Dog Aggressive 
Herd, my dog has been fine, even with the blue nose pit bull( almost one), they have slept in the same cage, played together- very peaceful. Lately he …

Aggressive Maltese shitzu 
I have a now 7 yr old Maltese x shitzu, Leela. At a younger age she was very social and played well with other dogs. I went over seas for 4months, 6yrs …

My Aggressive Maltipoo  
My five year-old Maltipoo has become more aggressive, even towards dogs she knows. She's always been a barker, something I've been battling for years …

Aggressive Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross 
We have a staffordshire bull terrier cross of nearly 3 yrs old, who had a terrible start to life. He was bred from 2 very aggressive parents, was treated …

Very Aggresive 2 yr. old Boxer ( Sarge) 
We have a 2 yr. old boxer who is very aggressive towards other animals. (It doesn't matter if it is another dog, cat, rabbit, bird, etc.) He was tormented …

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Aggressive female aussie 
I have to aussies and a sheltie the female aussie is being aggressive toward the sheltie..What should I do?? The sheltie barks a lot and causes the aussie …

dog on dog agression 
My dog a Border Collie now 2yrs. was in puppy class, obedience classes, fundamentals. I had shown him in handling, as well as obedience. at 10 m0n. he …

aggressive corgi 
this corgi was dropped off at my place so I brought her in, and now I have notice if I play or my husband plays rough around us she will growl and show …

Barking Border Collie 
Hi there, I have a 1.5 year old Border Collie who is beautiful to almost every person and dog, he isn't aggressive with food or toys. We always take him …

Aggressive German Pointer 
i have a five year old German pointer and pit bull mix. also, i have a two year old beagle and Maltese mix. when we first brought the the beagle home they …

short hair pointer pit bull mix(rocky the aggressive one) 
rocky is a 5yr old female, we also have a 2yr old beagle pomeranian mix. they use to get along FINE one day rocky attacked the other dog. Now any chance …

Aggressive German pointer/pit 
I have a five year old German pointer/pit bull and I have a two year old beagle/Maltese. When we brought the beagle home they did not get along it took …

Just rescued a 2 year old white deaf boxer having issues with h and my others playing 
My girl friend and I just rescued a 2 year old white deaf male boxer we have two other females Sasha 3 and Dixie 10 weeks Friday. I don't think he would …

aggressive pit/lab mix 
My pit lab mix is approximately 4 years old and he is highly aggressive towards other dogs we cannot walk him he pulls so hard to get to them he's also …

Aggressive Great Dane? 
Hi there, I am concerned about the behavior of my 5 month old Great Dane puppy. We didn't get him until he was 3 months old, and he was pretty …

Addy "agressive pit-boxer mix" 
My do is wonderful with in house family members and people she knows can walk right in the house she is overjoyed to see them. people she doesn't know …

Older aggressive mixed breed 
I have a mixed breed dog who is 13.5 years old. As a stray puppy he was brought home by my teenage girls when only 4 weeks old. We had another dog for …

aggressive boxer/english pointer 
I have a 5 year old boxer/English pointer rescue I have had him 2 days and he has attacked both of my dogs twice. he attacks or growls when there is food …

Agressive Pitbull  
My son bought a female Pit Bull, 9 weeks old. She is not 2 years old and has always manifested aggression towards other dogs. She has bitten several …

Aggressive German Shepherd 
I have a 9 yo Female Dachshund, a 1 1/2 yo female GSD and a 10 month old male Dachshund, all spayed. The 9 yo Doxie was queen of he domain. As the GSD …

Aggressive Lab Mix (maybe pitbull) 
We rescued this dog last June and we do have another dog (a Rottweiler) who is not aggressive at all. The rescue is very food protective and does not …

Aggressive Pitbull / Blk Lab Cross 
I got Bubba from the GF, ND Humane Society when he was about 5 months old. He is very well behaved in the house & the yard. He is not motivated by food …

We rescued mocha who had been returned to the shelter. We knew he had social issues but once we was fine with us--he at my was the most lovable dob. He …

Chessie displaying aggressive behaviors 
I have a 4 1/2 year old Cheasepeake Bay Retreiver. She is a loving dog, loyal companion and often smiles for her friends and family. However, she is …

Aggressive Akita 
We have a 4 year old male Akita. We have taken him to training but each year he is showing more aggression. This past year when I had friends over my Akita …

Aggressive Stafforshire Bull Terrier 
Up until now I have always prided myself in my training methods. I socialised him from as early as possible, I have paid special attention to his feeding …

Plzzzz help us! We have a 2yr old great Dane/lab mix who we got at 3 months old. He is steadily and rapidly becoming more of a danger each day. He attacks …

Tempermental yorkie 
Hi my name is Danielle. I have a 7 year old yorkie named Razzle. I adopted her 2 years ago and I love her dearly. Before I adopted her she was in an abusive …

Aggressive 5 year old female Yorkie 
We have two dogs. The 5 year old Yorkie. A 7 year old Shitzon. Now this Yorkie can be a real pain in the neck. She is very aggressive to the Shitzon.. …

Mini pitt  
When around my other two full size pitts the 8 month old mini pitt is at times aggressive and fights growls.....other times play play play...if she sees …

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Aggressive 5 month Great Dane mix. Dog to Dog 
Hi, i just adopted a 5 month old Great Dane mix from a local shelter. His name is Abe. He is great with human touch, shows no aggression towards human, …

super friendly staff x recently turned aggressive  
Hi we have had Stanley a 3/4 staff 1/4 lab for a year now (he is nearly 14 month old). He spent the first 6 months in and out of a cage due to a broken …

2 year old dachsund extreme aggression 
Boogie, our standard size long haired dachshund, has been raised with Jenny, a chihuahua Boston terrier mix, and Jeffrey a frail 4 lb. chihuahua. When …

My 2 year old- Welsh Corgi has lost her mind! 
My welsh corgi puppy (Mia) use to coward to other dogs when she was small. About 6 months ago or so she was in our front yard when the neighbors Terrier …

chocoholic West Highland Terrier  

German Shepherd Mix 
I just adopted this German Shepherd mix, they gave it to me but it was tied to a tree and you could tell it was not good taken care off because It had …

aggressive rescued dog 
We adopted a 5 month old border collie mix. When we met him at the adoption fare he was as stranger friendly as could be. Two days later a friend stopped …

Aggressive German Shepherd Female Working Dog 
I integrated my schutzhund puppy into my pack at 8 wks. I had two male collies, both unaltered and three females two spayed. The puppy integrated …

Aggressive cockapoo 
Hi, we have a 15 mth old cockapoo named Teddy whom we love very much and have always tried to do the right thing by him regards diet, exercise, training …

Labrador retriever 
I have a Labrador retriever and the issue I am having is he gets aggressive when it's time to crate him. Over the past few days he has lounged at myself …

Aggressive blue nose pit 
I live with my daughter and her one year old blue nose pit. A male. Lately, as soon as she leaves the dog will come sit in front of me and stare. Then …

agressive german shepherd 
Our german shepherd male is nearly 3 yrs old. He has always been a bit possesive over his bones toys food bowl etc, & asd he has recently become very …

Aggressive 2.5yr old female German Shepard  
In the last year and as of August 24th 2015 around 10p.m our beautiful 2.5yr old GS has attacked and tried to kill or 7 year old male shitzu! We rescued …

Aggressive Biting Black Schnauzer 15 week pup 
It is now 15 weeks old Hanz my Black Standard Schnauzer. He still is extremely aggressive in biting. Has taken a piece of my upper ear off, broken my skin …

aggressive staffi 
my 4 year old staffie that has always liked playing with other dogs without a problem has suddenly become aggressive towards them.

Aggressive Boston Terrier 
We have a six-year-old Boston Terrier we adopted 2 1/2 years ago. He is very lovable to us, but wants to attack any new people or any dogs who come near. …

German Shepard Pitbull mix 
I have a 4 month old puppy. She isn't potty trained and seems to only have accidents out of defiance to me. She has started growling and biting at everyone …

Aggressive pit bull 
My pit (about 10 months old, runt of a 13 pup litter that was abandoned); she gets agressive when she thinks she's protecting. The other day she bit a …

Aggressive bully  
Hi my 14 month old American bully has tried to bite my brother inlaw during the 4th of july celebration, no fireworks no loud talking just went from …

Aggressive Shih Tzu 
My name is Pam, I have a 14 year old aggresive male shih tzu that bites and growls. when he was younger I kept telling the men that was around him not …

Psycho-Dog aka My Little Dorkie 
One day, my daughter, brought a sickly little dorkie puppy home. Since, she had school the next day; guess who got stuck taking care of this sickly pup. …

Aggressive 3 year old Labrador 
I have a 3year old male chocolate lab. He has recently become increasingly more aggressive toward people, other dogs and even children. He will bark, …

Hello, I have a 3 year old dog named Jackson who is the sweetest thing when it comes to My mother, my girlfriend, my other 4 dogs and I. But i do have …


Aggressive Lab/Collie 
My dog will be outside with my other dog which is a pit bull (brownie) and if the dogs outside are there he starts barking and growling and snapping at …

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Pitbull showing signs of aggression 
My name is Robert, the owner of a 1 year old male APBT. My brother and I posted a comment concerning our 2 year old German Shepherd. Steele is a wonderful …

Aggressive German Shepherd. 
Hello, We are two brothers (20 & 15) who live with our father(deaf), Mother, German Shepherd(2yrs), And Pitbull(1yr). Cody is a 110 pound German Shepherd …

Aggressive four year old coccapoo 
My dog seems to be very possessive about me. He usually follows me everywhere and lies near my feet when i sit on the couch. When I am in my room, he will …

aggressive terrier mix 
We have had piglet for 7 years now. he was abandonded at a campground where we caught him. we are not able to walk him because we cannot get a leash on …

aggresive rat terrier chihauha mix 
Normally a sweet boy. He will stand over a treat or food and growl if you reach for it he will bite. He will also snap at times if you try to move him …

aggression wheaten terrier 
She likes to bolt and chase other animals and wants to attack small dogs, she growls at other people who come into my home and me when I get ready for …

aggressive american staffy boxer mix 
My dog is beautiful with my 3 kids and their friends. She appears very obediant and well trained (except for the aggression which I'll get to). She is …

aggressive male yorkie 
Hello my family just rescued a 5 yr old male yorkie. He was from a puppy mill. Well we got him about 6 weeks ago and he was fine until these last 2 weeks.. …

2 year old boxer attacking 10 year old chiweenie 
We have a 10 year old chiweenie, a 2 year old boxer and a 7 months old lab that we got in August 2014. All of the dogs have lived together since getting …

Aggressive female Aussie 
We had 3 dogs; 10 year old neutered Golden Retriever, 6 year old female Aussie who still has 1 ovary so she goes into partial heat, and a year and a half …

slightly aggressive red heeler/ greyhound mutt 
My dog is about 14 months old. He has always been slightly fearful of other dogs. The dog park used to be a total nightmare for him. He would tuck his …

Aggressive hound dog 
My dog barks and growls at every person he sees when i take him for walks. If a friend comes to the house he will growl and bark but he keeps his distance. …

He has been a most unusual Chihuahua Puppy 
I got Pico when he was only 6 weeks old. He was the only one in his litter. From the day he was brought to me, he has been a most unusual puppy. He is …

aggressive boxer 
We have 3 boxers that consist of mom dad and is 9 baby girl is 6. Just out of blue that got into it after supper then again at night.we broke …

Biting Boston terrier 
I m 11 and my dog bit my 8 yr. old sister. This is the 4th person she has bit. She is 5years old. Could she just have aggression? PLEASE HELP!!!! Love, …

Aggressive 2 Year old male German Shepherd  
I have had my German Shepherd since 8 weeks, always socialised him. Taking him regularly to dog parks/ dog beaches. He was fine up until a few months after …

Aggressive Chesapeake Bay  
I have a 4 year old spayed Female Chesapeake. I got her at 4 months of age. At 1 year, I had a roommate who had a MN shep X husky of the same age and …

4 year old very protective, aggressive White German Shepherd 
He spends the majority of his time in a kennel, inside our hone, He is very sweet with family members, but become aggressive around house guests. He attempts …

Aggressive Lab Mix  
My 1 1/2 year old lab mix is biting. He is now 55 pounds. When he is outside he runs the fence line with all of his hair up as people pass. Although he …

Sudden selective aggressive GSD 
Chief is 20 month old and we adopted him from a family 9 months ago because they had to move to unsuitable accommodation for a large dog. They had him …

Aggressive Greyhound bull x staffy  
My dog is 2 years old iv had him since been a pup. over last few months hes starting been aggressive towards kids he barks growls and all his fur stands …

Agressive Rat Terrier 
We have a 10 year old Rat terrier. Dexter is normally a great dog and a wonderful member of our family. Over the past few years his behavior has gotten …

Aggressive cockapoo 
Had my 3 year old male since he was 6 weeks old.. He is very hyper, very happy. Last year before he got neutered, he began growling at me whenever I said …

Increasingly Aggressive German Shepherd/Lab Mix 
We've had the best dog in the whole world in every way possible . . . until recently. We brought home a Lab/Golden Retriever mix about 7 months ago, when …

Suddenly Aggressive Bulldog 
We have a 2.5 year old English Bulldog we have had since he was a puppy. All of sudden (for no reason we can figure out) he has become aggressive toward …

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Chocolate Lab is aggressive 
Hi, I have had my chocolate lab since a puppy. She is almost 4. She went to training classes and later we worked one on one with a trainer. She liked …

Aggressive Great Dane 
We have two 15 month old great danes. very aggressive towards other dogs. physically attacked another dog near our house.

Mad Max 
Max is a rescue and has been in our home for 2yrs. He is 3 yrs old. His previous owner was abusive and he was crated a lot. Last year, he was attacked …

Aggressive lab bit the neighbor  
We are the owners of two Labrador retrievers one of which leaned over the fence in our backyard to bite our neighbor on the back how can I correct this …

Aggesssive Lab/Pit mix  
I have a 6 year old Lab/Pit mix (Valet). I got him when he was puppy, so he's only had me as his owner. Never been abused. Well taken care of. He is kind …

Aggressive Terrier 
I have a 4 year old terrier mix. We have had him since he was 12 weeks and he is now about 8 pounds. He has always been a nervous dog but recently has …

Aggressive 6yr old boxer/beagle mix 
My husband and I rescued a beautiful 4 yr old boxer/beagle over 2 years ago from NYACC. She is sweet and loving most of the time, and when we are home …

Aggressive Maltipoo 
Adopted him from a no kill shelter where he has been for 7 months. He was a stray and is 2 yrs old. Have had him for one week and he is very sweet and …

Aggressive Rat Terrier 
We have a 6 year old rat terrier she has been with use for 3 months. She does good if you are one on one but she has started attacking, biting, & barking …

Aggressive 10 mo German Shepherd 
My GSD is aggressive to anyone who enters the our house. We have to lock him up. He barks and growls, will follow the guest around acts like he wants to …

Stop Dog Aggression 
We rescued a 1 year old pit bull from the pound. 99% of the time she is sweet playful and very loving and just craving for attention, she walks beautifully …

Randomly aggressive 10 mo neutered English Bulldog 
I got Hank from a local breeder when he was appx 10 weeks old. The breeder seemed honest and knowledgeable; there were no "red flags." Of course …

My Doxie is three years old. I got him from a friend who had him a year but couldn't afford to keep him. It is only in the psst six months or so that will …

Aggressive/Protective German Shepherd  
We have a 3 year old altered male German Shepherd. From the get go he tended to be on the very nervous side. We have had him in two training programs …

Aggressive 9 month old Border Collie 
My border collie harley hates my little cousin. Every time Noah is around harley growls, barks, and today he actually bit him. I dont know how to teach …

Aggressive Schitzu adult dog 
My dog is a 9 year old schitzu male named Ringo and he is making my life miserable. We can't have anyone come to our house because of his behavior. He …

Aggressive Bulldog 
Sara is an english bulldog with very long legs, she is approx 50 pounds and large, she was fixed at 6 months and she will be two in december, we got her …

Aggressive Miniature Dachshund  
I know by the type of dog, it seems hard to see it as aggressive, although he very much is. We first got our dog from the pound, where at the pound he …

Aggressive German Shepherd 
My dog is constantly barking at my neighbours and trying to jump over the fence. He tries to go through the fence. When people come to my house he growls …

Aggressive 10 month old Staffy 
We got zoe at 11 weeks and she is a peach but is barking excessively mostly at people and attacking smaller animals. She was recently spayed. She …

Aggressive border collie 
I have a female 5 yr old border collie who was attached by a german shepard in a dog park when she was 1 1/2 yr old. During the episode the german shepard …

Dogs need to get along... 
My brother recently moved in with his sharpae shepard mix and i have a yellow lab and a mini schnauzer. He is taking over the house and has bitten my …

Aggressive German Shepherd Mix 
I recently took in an abused and i believe severely unsocialized German shepherd mix puppy. She is 10 months old. She is NOT getting along with my other …

Aggressive Hungarian Viszla 
My beautiful boy, i think suffers separation anxiety! Since my partner was killed, he seems to lack male authority. He stands at the back gate and goes …

Spitz Mix 
Our rescue dog barks at people and dogs in the park but not all. Today he saw a man and starting barking and jumping around. My mum who was with us he …

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My rottweiler has always loved people. We socialized him since he was born and he's so friendly, but about two months ago... Keep Reading

aggressive border collie puppy

Hi there, hoping you can advise a little. Our Border Collie is 9 weeks old now. She tends to listen 3/4 of the time when I give her commands and she has playful puppy biting, however ... Keep Reading

aggressive boxer puppy

My puppy is a boxer pit bull mix and I know pit bulls have a reputation of being aggressive and... Submitted by Alyssa R. San Diego CA ... Keep reading

aggressive mini wired hair

He will really bite if you take something he wants away from like door mats, his bed, or if I tell him off the couch he turns into this horrible animal... Keep Reading

aggressive heeler

I can't trust him anymore. We got our dog on the day he was supposed to be put to sleep. Submitted by Laura Dallas Ft. Worth, Texas... Find out why

aggressive fox terrier

I have a 10 month old fox terrier mix. When he does something bad I point at him and say no. When I do that he attacks my ... Keep Reading

Puppy Biting Problems
My new pembroke welsh corgi is 2 months old, and already he is biting me pretty hard (not just playful nips), marking all over the house, and trying to hump me when we play together. I'm a little overwhelmed by it, so maybe I should give you a little more detail

Aggressive Puppy
When we first got our mix puppy he had a slight amount of food agression, but I cured him of that. Well I thought I did. He recently got sick and we had to feed him chicken and rice. This started the agression all over again. This time it was

Aggressive Schnauzer
I have a 5 year old frenchie mix and in January rescued a 4 month old schnauzer mix. Both are male and nuetered. For two or three months now, if my partner

Deaf Aggressive Bulldog
We adopted an American Bulldog last December, and found out a few weeks later that she is deaf. We hired a private trainer and we all learned hand signals

Stop Dog To Dog Aggression

stop dog to dog aggression

Charlie is a 6 month old rescue from Puerto Rico.. Recently, he has begun to display aggressive behaviors towards the other two dogs if he has a ... Keep Reading

Aggressive Dachshund
I have a five year old dachshund that has always been somewhat aggressive towards children and other dogs. We recently brought home an 8 week golden retriever

Aggressive Rescued Dog
Hi, I recently aquired an abandoned dog. She is a German Shepherd cross of medium size. She is an incredibly loving dog with me and my boyfriend but has

Stop Labrador Aggression
We own a 9 month old Golden Lab, she had been re-homed twice before we made her part of our family. We also own a 11 year old Maltese Shitzu, who at first was territorial towards ...

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Aggressive Pit Bull Mix
About 8 months ago I rescued a pit bull/greyhound mix (Bailey) from our local shelter. Not much was known about her history prior to life at the shelter as she was a stray but it did appear...

My Aggressive Dog
I adopted my pugapoo, Molly, at 2 months of age. I was told that the owner had children and couldn't keep her. I got her as a rescue. She barks and tries to bite our ankles. It only happens to when...

Stop German Shepherd Aggression

stop german shepherd aggression

I have the most beautiful two year old long haired king German Shepherd. But it's become fearful to be around him. The most random things trigger him to snap and I just don't know what to expect anymore. He is a ... Keep Reading

Aggressive Mixed Breed
My dog molly is mixed breed and 12 years old. I also have an 18 yr old midsize Pomeranian. Molly attacks the older dog who is much smaller. I think it is territorial. We now separate them as much as possible. What can I do to make the Molly less aggressive?

Stop Beagle Aggression
I have a 5 year old pure breed Beagle ..Duke is a male and is also neutered. Most of the time he is a great dog don't get me wrong. But he has a split personality it seems like! He will become very aggressive towards myself and my fiance when we ...

Aggressive Chihuahua Puppy
Hi my name is Stephanie and I have a 7 month old chihuahua puppy, Marley. She has lost all of her baby teeth so she's not teething but she continues to bite on everything. Since I have had her she has bitten...

Aggressive Rottweiler Puppy

aggressive rottweiler puppy

Hello! My rott pup is very aggressive. When I free him from the crate to play with, he always runs around biting objects and won't listen to me! To include always biting my feet and hands. How can I stop... Keep Reading

Pack Leader Attacking Her Pack
I'm having a serious problem with one of our dogs. We have five and most are fine except for the pack leader. She is a 6 y/o German Sheppard/Chow who has been showing signs of serious aggression. She is the leader of the pack but lately has started to...

Aggressive Around Other Dogs
I have a 2 year old male staffy who has become very aggressive towards other dogs. It all started when he was around 8 months old him and his brother would play with each other all the time until they both...

My 2 month old puppy is extremely violent. He hates being tied on the leash, starts growling and exhibits aggressive behaviour towards it. He also hates being picked up or being pet. He growls and Keep Reading

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