by Christina
(Columbus Ohio )
Our 2yr old (neutered) French mastiff cross was 7wks when we got him and VERY timid and fearful so we put him in puppy training and went on to spend over $800 on further training because we knew he would be very large and around children all the time. We had two other neutered males when we got him and one of our dogs (English bulldog) was aggressive with him on and off when he was a puppy as our mastiff grew it seemed to become a mutual thing between them and then it became the mastiff instigating the fights. We have kept them separated in our home for the last year because when the mastiff gets ahold of the bulldog he tries to kill him!! He flips him over and goes for his throat and shakes him and won't stop until we pull him off. Our daughter lives with us now with her two Great Dane puppies who are 6month old females (not spayed) and the mastiff plays great with them and our other small male dog. He has also been around several other dogs in our home and seems to be fine. When he goes to the vet he seems afraid of the other dogs and tries to get away from them. We have 9 children that he has been raised with and has been great with them, until a few days ago when he was laying on my bed and my 11yr old daughter looked at him with her eyes really wide open kinda silly look and he snapped at her!! I love this dog with all my heart but I am not sure if he is safe to have around my children😞 He weighs about a hundred lbs so I don't want to wait if this is going to become worse because he could seriously hurt someone. So far it seems the aggression has only been directed at the English bulldog but now I am becoming concerned that it may not stop there😣 HELP!!!!
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