My Doxie is three years old. I got him from a friend who had him a year but couldn't afford to keep him. It is only in the psst six months or so that will look calm and as if everything is ok. Then, sometimes if I pet him all of a sudden he snaps and reaches back to try and bite me. It isn't that I pet any particular spot, just anywhere. He also snaps if we are sitting together. H will get a vacant type of look as he looks out the window and if I don't catch that look and try to pet him or love him he snaps and bites back. Knock on wood, he hasn't bitten me badly in a couple of months but I feel anxious and afraid to pet him because I don't want him to really bite me badly, Please help, I have no idea what to do.


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Mar 01, 2014
Stop Aggressive Dog Behavior
by: Adam G. Katz

Yes-- you can fix this. It's what we call "dog aggression" (in contrast to handler aggression).

You need to focus on two things:

1. Teach your dog to walk on a loose leash around all distractions. If he's on a loose leash, he cannot be paying attention to you and other dogs at the same time. It's either one or another, and if the leash is loose, then he has to watch you because he cannot FEEL from the tension in the leash, where you are.

2. You'll need to learn how to give a motivational correction, so that he clearly understands that this behavior is unacceptable. If he already knows that it's unacceptable, then the issue is that your correction is not firm enough, or you're not using the proper training collar (or it isn't fitted correctly!)

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- Adam

Adam G. Katz is the author of, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" -- which you can find at

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