Aggressive German Shepherd.

by Robert and Casey
(Farmington Hills, MI)

Hello, We are two brothers (20 & 15) who live with our father(deaf), Mother, German Shepherd(2yrs), And Pitbull(1yr). Cody is a 110 pound German Shepherd who goes above and beyond to protect my father. Even something as simple as my brother or myself, handing him a glass of water will trigger him to protest with barking and putting himself between us. Cody has been very independent over the last 6 months. Walkers, neighbors, and bikers, have been a few things to trigger barking. On one occasion, my father and I were walking Cody, when a jogger was on our path behind us. Without warning, the jogger approached from behind us, and without hesitation, Cody protected my dad by biting the jogger on the forearm. on many occasions Cody has bit me because he doesn't get his way, or if I grab him by his collar, or pushing him when he gets into something he shouldn't. He is a very intelligent dog and is good with crate command, walking on leash, and feeding rituals.. but he is very stubborn. He physically overwhelms visitors as well as ourselves at the door, obsessively chases shadows, and when he is in his crate he barks relentlessly when Steele(pitbull) is visible. Cody is generally high energy almost all the time, even immediately after a 4 mile walk. Cody is also the dominant dog of the household, often arching over Steele, and humping. I have been trying to socialize Cody but he will never let anyone come within feet of his owners without attacking. with an exception of one friend of mine. So to whomever may read this, any feedback on how to get the Real Family German Shepherd back out of Cody would be Greatly appreciated.

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Mar 28, 2015
Dog Obedience Exercises
by: Adam G. Katz

Here's what I advise:

1. Get a muzzle.

2. Teach the dog obedience exercises, so that he learns he must hold a sit-stay and down-stay, regardless of distractions.

3. Make him hold these commands (gradually) around more stimulating environments. If he shows aggression, correct him back into the sit-position. All while you're working with him or in public, he should be wearing the muzzle until you get him so that he's not longer showing the aggression.

4. Work boundary training exercises, which will quickly teach him what "No" means.

5 Use the "No" command if he shows any aggression.

Right now, he either doesn't understand what "No!" means; Or he doesn't trust that you'll keep him safe.

Employ the "Nothing In Life Is Free" approach, so that your dog starts to view you as the "pack leader." If your dog doesn't see you as the leader, then your corrections will be meaningless. So, if you're doing subtle things (inadvertently) to undermine your leadership role around the house-- it will be counter-productive.

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Adam G. Katz is the author of, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" -- which you can find at

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