my 3 y/o female GSD is being aggressive with new pup

by susan h
(bakersfield ca usa)

Hi, I recently adopted a six month old blue nose pit male. He is adorable and very sweet, non aggressive and only wanting to please. He has bonded great with family and household.. EXCEPT for our 3 year old prima donna.. We made the mistake of letting her out the first day the pup was in the yard.. delivered from friend. She ran to the gate and charged the puppy on leash and outside the gate. !!
I realize they should have been introduced in neutral ground. since that did not happen.. How can I diffuse the situation and get her to be open minded.. calm and assess the puppy? Now i do not trust her in the same room with us when the pup is one room i have had to move her outside or different room. I tried o get then to sniff etc with each being held.. but she showed so much anxiety i dont trust her off hold. She was a rescue dog as well and had alot of trauma dealing with other dogs from what i have learned. she is a perfect dog other than this issue..what do I do?

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Jan 08, 2017
Nothing In Life Is Free
by: Adam G. Katz

Employ the "Nothing In Life Is Free" approach, so that your dog starts to view you as the "pack leader." If your dog doesn't see you as the leader, then your corrections will be meaningless. So, if you're doing subtle things (inadvertently) to undermine your leadership role around the house-- it will be counter-productive.

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Adam G. Katz is the author of, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" -- which you can find at

Stop Any Aggressive Dog
. - Use Dog Whispering For Amazingly Fast Results - Any Aggressive Dog!

Dog Aggression

Yes-- you can fix this. It's what we call "dog aggression" (in contrast to handler aggression).
You need to focus on two things:

1. Teach your dog to walk on a loose leash around all distractions. If she's on a loose leash, she cannot be paying attention to you and the other dog at the same time. It's either one or another, and if the leash is loose, then she has to watch you because she cannot FEEL from the tension in the leash, where you are.

2. You'll need to learn how to give a motivational correction, so that she clearly understands that this behavior is unacceptable. If she already knows that it's unacceptable, then the issue is that your correction is not firm enough, or you're not using the proper training collar (or it isn't fitted correctly!)

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FREE Report, "Games To Play With Your Dog" Relieves Doggie-Boredom Wanna know the games we play with our own dogs? For example, the "shell game." Or what about teaching your dog to find your keys? There's also games to play to cure doggie-boredom? This report tells all... and it's your's, absolutely free when you subscribe to our free newsletter.

FREE Video Reveals: Three Keys To Successful Dog Behavior Modification Understanding what these "three keys" are and how they can be used to fix (almost) any behavior problem is the backbone of our dog training system. Adam explains it in this free short video that you'll get after you subscribe to our dog training tips newsletter.
- Adam

Adam G. Katz is the author of, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" -- which you can find at
Stop Any Aggressive Dog
. - Use Dog Whispering For Amazingly Fast Results - Any Aggressive Dog!

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