by Danielle S
I have 3 dogs, Raiden the dog in question is my newest addition. I got him when he was about 9 months old. He unfortunantly came from and bad place and had to past around to friends houses the last few months till my family accepted him in. Now that he has a forever home with me and my family, he is becoming aggressive in a manner he's never been before. He seems to to be territorial, to the point he'll go to next door and bark and growl at them. Hes never shown aggression to other dogs or people before and I want to reverse it before he bites someone and has to get put down.. I really do not want that happening. Please help!
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by Kasey
(Tulsa, OK)
Hey guys. I have a 2 year old pittie mix, Ty, who has just started showing subtle signs of dominant aggression. He will from time to time walk around with his head lowered and will growl at one of our other dogs, Amos, who came around when Ty was about 1. We have one other dog that he has no problems with. We've stopped allowing him on furniture, as that was one trigger, and have a time out corner for him when he does growl. He knows he's not supposed to act that way, and immediately heads to his corner after doing it.
I've got a pending training class with him, but I just don't know any other ways to help him in the mean time. He is fairly well trained, knows how to sit, stay, fetch, roll over, wait, down, heel, all that jazz. He's really eager to please, and a very sweet boy, loves people. I really need to reestablish myself as the dominate partner in our pack. If anyone has any tips, they would be greatly appreciated.
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by Jaime
(Colorado Springs, CO)
About 8 months ago I rescued a pit bull/greyhound mix (Bailey) from our local shelter. Not much was known about her history prior to life at the shelter as she was a stray but it did appear that she was abused or mistreated. She is very sweet and loving but I have noticed that she tends to cower and lose control of her bladder and bowels when I raise my voice and she craves constant attention. She also chews anything she possibly can when I'm not around or if she is nervous.
I recently took in another dog, a chocolate lab (Coco), and things seemed to be going great. Coco seemed to calm Bailey down and the chewing stopped completely but since Coco came to live with us, I began to notice that they both would "fight" for my attention and affection. Never aggressively, no growling, biting, etc., but if I was petting one, the other would shove her way in the front forcing me to now pay attention to her.
Well 2 days ago, I was petting Coco and Bailey attacked her! It took almost 10 mins for me to separate them. Luckily the only injury Coco sustained was a small cut on her ear and Bailey sustained some missing fur on her face, my hand and arm were not so lucky. Since then the two dogs are refusing to eat and are very careful around each other.
I am seeing some aggressive behaviors coming from Bailey such as growling, lowering of the head, stiff body language and sometimes Bailey will lock her gaze on Coco. I do correct the behavior when I see it but I'm not at home 24/7.
What can I do to correct this behavior and get these two dogs to get along again?
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We just adopted Brady- a pit bull mix picked up as a stray in NYC and rescued from "death row" in the pound by an agency. After two months in a foster home he was described as very mellow and adaptable, but since we brought him home we have seen another side of him.
Even though he can be very calm and laid back, he will suddenly become very wild. When this happens he tears around the house like a maniac and then starts jumping up on us, mouthing our arms and hands. If we manage to push him down he grabs our feet, growling and shaking his head. He isn't seriously biting us, or else I'd be writing this from the hospital. But his teeth are sharp and he is scratching and bruising our hands and feet. Over the last couple of days, the intensity and frequency of these episodes has increased.
The foster home he came from suggested that we use his food motivation to try to reassert control. When he sees I have a treat in my hand he will sit on command and "wait" to take the treat. Sometimes this does seem to break his mood and he settles down. Most of the time this only holds for a couple of minutes and then he's back jumping and grabbing.
I know Brady is thoroughly confused and overwhelmed about finding himself in a completely new place. I would really like to help him adapt and settle in. But at this rate he becomes more likely to end up biting one of us for real before he ever gets a chance to settle in.
I could really use advice on how to get Brady through this difficult behavior. Thanks.
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by Cherria
(Rogersville, MO USA)
I have a pit bull, his name is buddy. He is the biggest baby in the world, he's even scared of cats! LOL..
I think people really need to stop judging pit bulls and take a step back. Not all pit bulls are bad aggressive dogs. Your dog is what you make it.
My husband and I have three kids all of which love our pit bull and he loves them even more. He kisses them and loves to sleep at there feet!
Just because people fight them and make them aggressive dogs, doesn't mean they are born that way.
You know all these people who run around saying pit bulls have lock jaw, well that isn't true.
You have to train them to have lock jaw. You can train a poodle to have lock jaw, so don't judge a book by it's cover!
My buddy is a big cuddly bear, he is like any other dog. He is scared of storms, he cries when you leave him alone, and he love to swim in the pool with my kids. And most of all he loves to play with a ball!
We take him to the vet and every person there is so happy to see him. They play with him and they think he's just a great dog.
We had to up root and move because of all the people out there that train them to fight and be mean.
As I set here and write this, he sitting on my bed licking me because he hasn't seen me all day.
So who's the bad one here, the dog or the people who own them?
You tell me!
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by Chris
I have a 4 year old Pit Bull Terrier. She is extremely loving to all people, she has never shown any aggression to a person. I have two other dogs that she lives with and gets along with. The problem is she is extremely aggressive to any other dog. She will attack without warning and it does not matter where she is at. She will do this on a walk, at my home, at my girlfriends home, at the dog park. She will be sitting there completely calm right next to a dog then will just turn and go straight for the neck. She will listen to me and stop when I pull back but once the dog or and dog comes back she will do it again.
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by Jen
(Montgomergy, IL)
I have a 1 1/2 year old Boxer/Pitbull mix. I have had her for almost 6 months. She is very aggressive towards anyone coming into our house. She growls & pulls towards them like she is going to attach. This has caused everyone to be afraid to come to my house. When I walk her, she pulls towards people & other dogs. She has not gotten loose from my grip, but I am afraid what will happen if she does. I am looking for safe ways to get her socialized to people and other animals.
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by Scott
(Northwest Arkansas)
We adopted our pitbull mix from a shelter about 3 years ago. She had her babies aborted just before we adopted her because there was a fatal problem during the delivery. She was fine until a cat scratched her, so she started hating cats. 2 years ago, she killed my moms cat, so we can no longer take our dog to visit when we see her. Then, a year ago, my pitbull no got in a bad fight with my father in law's 110 lb female black lab mix. The fight almost killed our 40 lb pitbull mix, since both dogs would not let go and the lab was shaking my dog around. Since then, another fence was built to separate them, but they have still gotten in fights through the fence every time we have visited (four times).
The two dogs use to be best pals until the fight, but now their relationship is fatal. In fact, our dog cannot be around any female dogs now without wanting to kill them. Last night, our dog opened the separating gate at my father in laws house and got in another nasty fight, but we thankfully separated the dogs after about 5 minutes and two but hands. That same night, our dog also attacked a 10 lb female chihuahua mix and this morning, attacked her 65 lb male boxer brother for two years. We don't know what to do about her!!! We don't want to get rid of her but we feel like we are out of options.
Just a few bits of info:
She is spayed
She has been to obedience training
She is obedient on a leash, around humans, and around the apartment
She does not listen or respond to anything we do during a fight or if a cat is around; she is a different dog Aside from the bad moments, you would think she is the best dog in the world.
We have tried positive behavior reinforcement with treats
We have tried training collars
We have tried muzzle but she takes it off
She is territorial of her owners
She is approximately 4 years old now
She use to be able to go to dog parks, but not anymore
She had been aggressive to other female dogs around where we live
We really need help, for our sake and our dogs sake. We are 25 years old graduate students and live in an apartment, since she got in to too much trouble in our backyard at the house we use to live at. She is an escape artist, and attacks everything that isn't herself or human. Please help, we feel we have tried everything, and we can't take off 4 hours a day to train our hardhead dog!!!
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by Monique
(Los Angeles)
We have three dogs, all came at different times but have been together now for well over 3 years with no real issues.
Nobadeer (female 9yrs)
The first is a girl daschund which I have had since she was about 6 weeks. She is extremely sweet, but very much a guard dog in a sense that she will bark at anything that comes anywhere near our property. She is also hyper intelligent and can be aggressive about her ball and some toys, but has never done more then growl. She has never attacked either another dog or human. To note she also suffers from separation anxiety which has calmed with age and with the help of the other dogs.
Fenway (female 8-9yrs)
The second is what I believe to be a mix of at least 3-4 dogs, but primarily pit and chihuahua. I adopted her when she was around 6 months and the daschund was almost a year. In the beginning they were a perfect fit, right around the same size and got along great. In fact, I attribute her really helping with calming the dashcunds separation anxiety. They have been together for close to 8 years now. To note: She was diagnosed with thyroid pretty early on and has been on medication to regulate it for about 6 years. Also she has always been a growler, we have corrected it, but it had never gotten past that until recently. The growling usually stemmed from her wanting all the attention. We have and always remove her from our laps at that point and yell at her for it.
Zoe (female 7yrs)
The third is a pug, she is my husbands dog and was introduced to my girls about 4 years ago. She is very sweet, and has shown some aggression towards food and laps but it only lasted for a few months while she adjusted to being part of the group.
For the past 4 years the dogs have gotten along great except for the occasional growl over a bone or a lap which we have always corrected. Within the past year the Fenway has showed increased aggression towards the daschund and the pug. It seems to be more directed at the dachund though. There have been a few fights and one resulted in a pretty severe ear injury on the daschund. We have put Fenway on anti depressants and are doing our best to keep a close eye on them.
My question: Fenway often growls at the other two over beds and toys and laps, when we yell at her for it she quivers and goes on her back. She is almost overly submissive to us, we have hit her on the head before for growling, but NOTHING excessive just a slap on the nose or maybe on her but. There have been times when she has been growling on one of our laps and we pushed her off of us and yelled. But again I stress we are both huge animal lovers and are very controlled in our actions towards her. Most commonly, we grab her coller look her in the face and say a strong no. Also to note, when I adopted her she seems to have been abused prior, I say this because every time I would go to pet her she would automatically roll on her back and when she was awoken suddenly, it would often be in automatic defense mode. After having her for a year or so this all disappeared.
How do we handle this? Do we yell at her every time she growls or does this prevent communication between the dogs? Should we take her to training classes?
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by Soffie
My dog chyna is a pitbull mix. She is very aggressive towards everyone but me. If someone as much as talks to me she shows aggression. She is only 15months old and would hate to have to have her put down. She hasn't hurt anyone but I'm scared it may happen I know she is more than capable to do so. When it's just myself and her she is like an angel. But as son as someone else is around if she's not barking or growling she years something up. What can I do?
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by Peter
(Vancouver )
We brought her home a bit too early , she was a bit over five weeks. At first, she was well behaved and now that she knows her surroundings and feels comfortable. She gets really aggressive and attacks, she bites very hard and doesn't let go. She hates her kennel, she wont sleep in it and she will cry all night if we even attempt to kennel train her. She bites everything except her toys (our ankles, feet, hands, ect). She does not yet know her name although that's all we call her.
We have tried everything with being firm and saying "NO!!" to acting like her mother and yelping/growling. She does NOT listen !!! We are quite worried since she's going to be a huge dog and we want to eliminate these problems as soon as possible!!
I have considered puppy classes as I just waiting to get her second round of shots but im worried that shes to aggressive for other dogs. We have tried training her the basics "sit, stay , come ,ect" the only one she understands is "sit". She does not stay, she does not laydown, she does not come when we call her name, she doesn't do anything with out putting up a fight with us and biting chasing and growling when shes jumping on us. As shes getting bigger, it's a fear to us that she wont get better. It's becoming over whelming and very frusterating!!! HELP !!!!
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by Barb
(Blackwood nj)
Hey guys so I have a 1yr old pitbull mix. I got her from people who posted her on for free, saying they were moving to Vegas and couldn't keep her. When I went to pick her up they told me she was 7 months old an had been in 8 different homes because she is so very hyper. So I decided to take her home with me...
The past months storm hasn't become aggressive with me. I also have a small 3lb 4yr old toy Yorkist she isn't agressive with him until yesterday . So it started when I came home with a big bone for her an I bent down to pet her she growled at me for the 1st time ever. Then she stopped for a little bit and now she is way way way worse.
I simply adore my dogs but I have a lot of kids that come around a lot and she hasn't done anything yet but I fear that she will one day. So it went from just with the bone then to the kong an now it's damn near with everything her water her food her bones her kong...
Now tonight she has started to growl at me even when I pet her without anything so aim lost I love her so much I can't imagine her not here but like I said I can not risk her acting like this with kids or with my little guy Romeo.... She isn't fixed yet she just got her period an to my knowledge this is her first time so maybe it has so etching to do with that.
I do not know what to do or how to fix this. When she acts like this I don't show fear I stand my ground with her. This is my home an no dog will case me out of it point blank. She has never been depraved of food water bones toys treats anything my dogs are my kids I would lay my life down for them but I'm at a lose idk what to do.. So someone please feel free to help me.. Please email me anything you think might help at barbv**** thank you for your time.
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by Cassidy
My pit mix is almost 12 months old and he is a natural guard dog. But lately he has been getting more aggressive when he gets in trouble or playing with our 2 year old full brown lab and when the neighbors children come over. He used to love seeing them but growls and tries to nip the girls. When he plays with our lab it's more of a vicious play than he usually does. Finally when he used to get in trouble he would sit in one place we would slap him on the butt lightly and he would go to the kennle for five to ten minutes depending on what he chewed up, now he runs and when I try to stick my hand out to get him by the harness to tell him kennel he growls and attempts to bite me... if he bites me again we have to put him down... Is there something I can do to break him of his sudden agression...
On a side note he also pees when excited, scared, and used to when he knew he was in trouble.
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by Cindi G
(Hawthorne Fl.)
I have a 18mth old he is intact. He recently has been going after my 15 yr. old jack Russell mix. He does not go after my 2 yr. Dashund (she is a dominant female). He has not actually bitten her but snarls growls and shows his teeth and lunges at her. I was wondering if this a dominance thing or a protective behavior. He only seems to do it when me or my husband are close to him. usually when he is laying down and she walks in the room. He seems to know what he did was bad. I don't know what to do. Can you give me any suggestion as to what might be happening? and will getting him neuter help? thank you for your time Cindi Gadson
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by Keitha
(Dallas Texas )
Please help!!
I have a 9 week old pit bull/terrier mix I adopted from a shelter.
He is obsessed with my cat and I have to separate them at all times. Unfortunately he got to my cat last night and had him by the throat!
I had to pry his jaws open and it was not easy!
Can this behavior be changed or is it innate?
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by Heather D.
(Oakland Park, FL)
My boyfriend and I rescued a pitbull from a very neglected life. The pitbull, Chance, was chained up to a fence with no food, water, or shelter for 2 months. I work as a vet tech so we took him so I could get him back to good health and then find a home for him. However, it is not turning out to be as easy as we thought. Chance is showing some behavioral issues, which is of course to be expected because of his past. We were able to break him of his food aggression. The reason why he cannot find a home now is because he does not like anyone that is new to him. He snarls and bites anyone who is trying to pet or show interest in him. No matter how many times we reprimand him and tell him "No!". We have tried to show him that the people aren't bad by us sitting by the people, touching, laughing with them, etc. He still doesn't buy it. He is obsessed with my boyfriend and I, and okay with the people around the hospital. Other than that no one else stands a chance. We are just stuck and don't know what to do from here. He can't stay in a kennel for the rest of his life. He can't go to a home like this either. We are considering putting him to sleep if this is something that we cannot fix and/or something neurological. It is not fair for him or anyone else. I also can't spend much more money than I already have on him. I am a 21 year old college student who is trying to move out of my parents house. I just need more help and feedback from someone who has dealt with this, a professional.
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by Samantha
(Gary Indiana)
I have a 7 year old pitbull lately has been doing what he wants and when I try to make him go to another room or to his bed he will growl at me. He never used to do this. He is also very skidish, everything scares him like the tinest noise will make him go flying across the floor. Do you think he might be sexually frustrated should I get him fixed? and will this help?
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Two years ago I brought home chico my pitbull ( not fixed yet!), he was very loveable , He would want to lay on and or near us at all times, he is still very much like that. He however this past week or two he is becoming aggressive. He has started shaking and growling while showing teeth almost all day, he will get up by us to lay on or near us then start that behavior if we move or touch him in anyway, it also happens if he is on floor and we get to close while he is sleeping or relaxing. We are just really confused as to why this is happening. He's never been like this before, he's so protective with my daughter and is normally giving kisses and running around with wagging tails. It's caused us to be very cautious and put distance between the two of them until we figure out what is going on. I also have a 12 yr old lab/chow mix , chico never even trys any of this aggressive behavior towards him not a single growl or anything. Just confused and looking for some opinions.
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I have a three year old female pit bull and a almost two year old neo mastiff my female just came out of heat about a week ago and everything was fine until yesterday out of the blue she started fighting him I supported them and then this morning she did it again she is the aggressor is it possibly because she is pregnant she has never did this before I'm concerned