I have a ten week old staff and she is aggressive with other dogs. What can I do to nip this in the bud now rather than later?
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by Kelly
(Norfolk, England )
Hi there, my staffy is 14 weeks old and while I know he nips, for which he has lots of toys. His also started to test us all by biting whenever he can. We've tried everything. Holding him up (his now getting a bit heavy to keep doing this) holding his mussel, going down to his level and growling, locking him in his crate.
I have 3 small children and has he gets bigger they are getting more scared. Please help
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by Aaron
He is 5 months and when he goes to play he barks and growls , and is tail bes wagging like mad , when i tell him to stop hes stops rite away , wonder is this normal behaviour for a staff i just dont want it to get any worse.
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by Jordan
(Oxfordshire )
My 14 week old female staffy try's to bite my west highland terrier which is 3 years of age is this normal or a domanace thing
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by Carol Bb
(Leigh. Lancashire)
I have a female staffy jess who is a very loving family member and is 6 yrs old. We got our male staffy Elwood when he was 5 week old. He often attacks my other dog when they are playing or running on the field. I have to stop them fighting and he upsets my other dog. If I try to hold him back if someone comes to the door or if someone is going out he has started attacking me. First it was the odd nip but he scared me today has he run at me twice growling and jumping at me. I love him to bits and he is fine with my husband. Son and grandchildren. They both sleep with us at night and he sleeps right at the side of me and sometimes on my pillow over my head. I really need some advice on what to do before he really bites me. Elwood is a blue staffy and quite big for his age.
Thank you
Carol B
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by Thomas
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia )
Hi my dog is going to turn 1 year old in November 2014 and I've had him since he was 3 weeks old but we have never trained him he has no training at all including potty training and nothing and he is sometimes aggressive in the way of jumping to my face and running off when he's off the leash and doesn't listen. What can I do to train him really well and also what leash can I get that isn't hard to put on him and doesn't choke him.
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by Jo
I have an 8 month old pup and it's mum however over the last few days he's started gripping his mum by the throat and pinning her to the floor to the point she's yelping and wary of the pup I've had the bitch for 2 year an my 3 year old loves her to bits I don't want her injured what do I do to stop this