by Steve
My wife and I have a 4 year old cockapoo named Toby. When he's with us, Toby is a very sweet dog, we call him a cuddle bug. But around strangers he's anything but. When the mailman comes, he loses his mind. Here is a video of Toby when the mailman comes:
Anyway, we're thinking of getting a travel trailer and the main reason is so we can take our dogs(we have a lab/shepherd mix as well) we're afraid that his barking at everything and aggressive behavior are going to make that next to impossible.
We're at our wits end. What can we do?
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by Beth
(Matthews, NC)
When my 22lb dog and I go on walks and we encounter another dog, he starts staring,growling and trying to get to them.
It all started when we would go to the dog park. Another dog would come close to me he would go after them, no matter what the other dogs size was.
I would leave at the first sign of this behavior, and take him for a walk instead. I also have this problem with him in the car. We pass a dog and he starts growling and barking until we pass. He was not like this until the past year and a half.
I have tried the blocking method, to keep him from seeing the other dog but that is very difficult and turning around and going the other way works to some degree. He will continue to turn around looking back at the other dog.
I have just recently purchased the thunder shirt and this does seem to help for a while, he seems to be much calmer with it on, but that seems to have a time limit of about 1 hour maybe 2.
Please help me figure out how to solve this problem.
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I have a 4 yr cockapoo that I have had since she was about 8 or 9 weeks old. Since day one I have cleaned her feet, dryed her off with a towel and should she grab something she shouldn't I have taken it from her and said a stern No.
As she has gotten older, she growls and bites when I clean her feet and dry her off. As a matter of fact, after a bath, she is quite aggressive to the point of nipping. Now when she grabs things that she shouldn't have, especially tissues, she will fight and bite tooth and nail to not have to give it back.
We have tried everything from swatting her butt, to distracting her and nothing works, as a matter of fact she has only gotten 100 times worse with her behavior. What can we do?
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From the day I brought the puppy home (at 6 weeks) he acted like he was the king of the hill. He kept my hands and legs with sores due to all the biting. At 4 months, I can still barely pet or cuddle with him due to biting no matter how many chew toys I offer. If I give him doggie jerky he will growl at me for coming near it. He ignores any command I give and I'm at the crossroads of bringing this overpriced animal to the pound before I spend another dime on him. Sorry but I believe the aggresive nature is his nature, but I would love to hear some suggestions before I totally give up.
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by Deb's
(Bristol, England)
I have a male cock-a-poo, over the last 6 months has become over protective of us when we take him with us to resturants and cafe's, when ever anyone aproaches us with drinks or food he barks and growles at them. When out in the open he is a totally different dog, he lets people pet and say hello to him. He is also aggressive while in the car when people walk by. Please help