by Ryan M
(Colorado Springs, CO, USA)
Hello there. I am the owner of a 3 year old Presa Canario. He came into my life as a gift from a co-worker when I lost my dog in an apartment fire and my co-worker surprised me. Trying to be a responsible owner of a dog that I knew nearly nothing about...I got to researching. I wanted to understand the breed as I had never had a presa before but I do find myself gravitating towards protective breeds as a dog owner. I’ve had a bull mastiff and a German shepherd mix before but nothing would prepare me for Bubba and his quirks. I took every chance I had to socialize him with people and other animals as a puppy and all around he is fantastic around people and animals outside of his “territories.” He did have some reactive issues in day care which he tried to mount and the other dog growled and bubba growled back but when we are on trail walks he tends to ignore other people and their dogs. He is very very stubborn and seems to get bored with traditional training quickly. He knows his basic commands and while I do feel in charge most of the time he definitely runs the household when he wants to. Now, for the issues with territory. His one can come into his home unless he knows you well. If he doesn’t know you he will NOT calm down and he continuously barks until the stranger leaves. The car is even worse. Anyone outside of the car within his eyeline is subject to verbal assault. He loses his ever loving mind...take bubs out of the car, no worries but in the car he changes into a very scary, intimidating dog to those around. I am aware that once a Presa becomes the age 2-4 this is a common thing as they are territorial dogs and it is bred into them to protect at all costs. I am hyper aware of the stigma that comes with bubba’s breed and if anything were to happen to anyone he wouldn’t have a second chance. Everyone who meets bubba loves him so much. He is a happy, goofy, floppy derp but I want people to be able to come into my home and think the same thing. Thank you so much for reading.
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