Partly Aggressive Mini Aussie

by Sandi

We have a 2 year old female mini-aussie. Bought from a breeder. She and two other pups were in a small caged area; probably little human contact except for feeding/cleaning.

Dog has improved greatly regarding being fearful of most anything. She is very smart and listens well unless she gets into the "zone" where she doesn't respond to commands. Normal behavior for her: She sits when told, lies down when told, sits until she is given the "take it" for her food. I am able to let her off leash when walking her so she can run in open space and is good about staying close or coming when I call her. My husband takes her on leash when on his bike, but takes her off leash at open space and she runs and runs hard to keep up with him. She demonstrates that she really enjoys this with him. Our aussie is very happy when our daughter and granddaughter (17) come over. She adores them.

She barks at guests, even sometimes nipping at the back of their thighs. Goes bonkers when someone comes to the door, up the drive or rings the doorbell.

She does settle down after people are in the house, but we have to tell our guests "don't pay attention to her, don't make eye contact and she will come to you when ready.

She is very apprehensive of children - therefore we do not trust her around kids.

What kind of training does our aussie need? PS = our aussie "talks" a lot!!


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Nov 10, 2012
If Your Corrections are Meaningless
by: Adam G. Katz

Employ the "Nothing In Life Is Free" approach, so that your dog starts to view you as the "pack leader." If your dog doesn't see you as the leader, then your corrections will be meaningless. So, if you're doing subtle things (inadvertently) to undermine your leadership role around the house-- it will be counter-productive.

All the best,

Nov 10, 2012
Tried this...
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response and the video. We have worked this same training a number of times, to no avail. Lately we have been sending her to her kennel, so goes, but with barking on the way and while she is in the kennel.

This is not very effective for us and we don't like sending her to her kennel.

Nov 09, 2012
Watch This Video
by: Adam G. Katz

Hi, Sandi:

Your problem is that your dog didn't get a motivational correction for exhibiting the bad behavior.

It will happen, again. Plan on it. Be prepared, and have a way to administer a motivational correction, when it happens-- so that she knows in no uncertain terms: This behavior will not be tolerated. I go into more detail on how to do this, in my book.

In addition: Continue teaching her obedience training exercises, and make her do behaviors she doesn't want to do. (Ex. Down-stays around distractions and making him stay down). That builds dominance/leadership and makes your corrections more meaningful.

- Adam

Adam G. Katz is the author of, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" -- which you can find at

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