My dog has family interaction issues!

by Donna
(East Providence RI)

Molly is year old. She's a pugapoo. She is well behaved, but tries to bite my 15 yo daughter mostly. Sometimes my husband is a target. It is very rare when she pursues me. I say "NO BITE" usually not having to raise my voice.

I think it is territorial agression. She only behaves this way with the 3 of us. Hannah is attacked when she comes downstairs into the liviving room, where I am. She does this with my husband when he is sitting next to me. However when alone with Hannah she is a little peach. Same thing with my husband. I am the territory! She and I are together all the time. She spends her time primarily laying against me on the couch. She obeys me most of the time. I've told Scott and Hannah not to cowl away, but, instead, tell them the no bite command. No luck. When they pick her up and hold her, she is calm and licks your face. Maybe fear too?

Trying to be consistent.Any input?

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Oct 06, 2012
Aggressive Pugapoo
by: Adam G. Katz

You have a leadership issue.

And you're making the assumption that she "knows" she's doing something wrong. Which is debatable. But even if she does... it begs the question: She knows it's wrong, but she looks you in the eye and does it, anyway?

You need to establish yourself as the pack leader. The way we do this is by starting with the "Nothing In Life Is Free program, and also correcting her for the aggression with either the pinch collar or the e-collar.

What you're currently doing is simply not a motivational way to correct the dog.

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