Alaskan malamute puppy aggression?

by Rose

I adopted a 3 month old Alaskan malamute. He is now 5 months old, and a lot bigger than my 6 year old Maltese shih tzu. I've taken my malamute through puppy school, and currently he is going through beginners obedience. We've seen a lot of progress, he can sit, lay down and recall. However, I'm the only one he listens to, unless of course, he's with another dog, then he becomes unresponsive. Lately he has been standing over top of my Maltese shih tzu, and biting him, at first I thought it was harmless playing until my Maltese shih tzu was making some god awful noises. They were biting each other and hurting one another as you'd hear them both yelp, and at first if they heard a yelp they would back of from one another, now, my malamute just continues to bite my other dog. I love them both, and I'm really at a loss of what to do. I've already had to seperate them at food time, as the malamute is food aggressive. I realise this could be a dominance thing, especially since both are male and both aren't desexed. We do plan on getting the malamute desexed once he's a year old, as we were told, it's better for their bones to fully grow and then get him desexed.
There's also another thing that he does, and that's chasing the cat. The cat hates him, she will smack at his nose for chasing her. He used to leave her alone because he didn't like it happening to him, now he will chase her and bark at her, regardless of whether she smacks him or not.
If this is a dominance thing, how can I stop it? Neither of them will listen if I say no to them when they do it, and if I get in between them they just end up going to a different spot and continue doing it.

(Note): I'm on my phone, and can not attach photos for some reason? So I uploaded just a few of my malamute and my Maltese shih tzu + cat. Not sure if it's allowed or not though. Apologies in advance if not.,J1gkxea,uowSk49

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Nothing In Life Is Free
by: Adam G. Katz

Employ the "Nothing In Life Is Free" approach, so that your dog starts to view you as the "pack leader." If your dog doesn't see you as the leader, then your corrections will be meaningless. So, if you're doing subtle things (inadvertently) to undermine your leadership role around the house-- it will be counter-productive.

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