Aggressive Shepherd Cross

by Dee

We have a German Shepard x that we got from my husband's sister because she didn't want him. He has always been pretty excitable, the last few weeks he has been showing a lot of aggression towards people who go past the house, strangers coming into the house and my son's friends. I generally feed my dog twice per day, mid morning, and late afternoon. If my husband sits near him he growls, he has also started growling at me if I stay near him when he is eating. He has started growling at all of us if he has a bone, but barks aggressively towards my son if he goes within a couple of metres of him.

I am confused on how his behavior has changed. I have taught him to sit shake and fetch, he is now no longer interested in fetch and will only sit and shake for food. I am at a loss, he is not desexed, we are planning to get him done, and people have commented his aggression will calm down when he does get it done but I am unconvinced. Any advice would be helpful.

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May 01, 2013
Stop Shepherd Cross Aggression
by: Adam G. Katz

Hi, Dee:

Your problem is that your dog didn't get a motivational correction for exhibiting the aggressive behavior.

It will happen, again. Plan on it. Be prepared, and have a way to administer a motivational correction, when it happens-- so that he knows in no uncertain terms: This behavior will not be tolerated. I go into more detail on how to do this, in my book.

In addition: Start teaching him obedience training exercises, and make him do behaviors he doesn't want to do. (Ex. Down-stays around distractions and making him stay down). That builds dominance/leadership and makes your corrections more meaningful.

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- Adam

Adam G. Katz is the author of, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" -- which you can find at

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