Aggressive Shelter Dog

by Mo
(Jacksonville, FL)

My Heart

My Heart

I recently rescued a three-year old shelter dog. They said she was a "lab mix" but as it turns out, she's more bull terrier mix. When I first got her, I took her everywhere with me including work and she became very attached (which is what I was hoping for). However she soon became aggressive towards (mostly) men that came by my office; to the point where I could no longer bring her with me. I also can no longer bring her to the pet store and I have to be extremely vigilant with her at the dog park.

As I live in a hotel and there is always hustle and bustle going on, I have to constantly watch for anyone coming near us. Or heaven forbid come around a corner. She snarls and lunges scaring the daylights out of all of us.

I know she was abused, over-bred and abandoned. I have done all I know to assure her through love and training. So far the only thing that works is if I have her concentrate on a piece of hot dog as we walk through the lobby.

I love my girl and I was hoping someday she could become a legal companion dog. I just don't see how that could ever be possible. She seems to just keep getting worse. =( But she is mine and I will NEVER give her up no matter what!

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Jul 14, 2016
by: Cindy

Yes, nothing in life is free, including any kind of reasonable advise. I came to this page hoping to find dog lovers who would sincerely offer help free of charge as clearly, most people in our position are at our wits end, are dog rescuers and need help! My vet says, go to his behavioral specialist---300 bucks per hour and start from there. Or, he said consider putting my 35 lb. mutt down! That is not anything I could ever do despite the fact I have very little love left for the little monster. He's bitten me, an only me, dozens of times, humps me, again, just me and snarls at me religiously. He was transported from Arkansas to New England where I got him knowing he had been badly abused. But no one revealed the depth of his viciousness. What am I to do without having a ton of money?

Apr 17, 2016
Nothing In Life Is Free
by: Adam G. Katz

Nothing In Life Is Free

Employ the "Nothing In Life Is Free" approach, so that your dog starts to view you as the "pack leader." If your dog doesn't see you as the leader, then your corrections will be meaningless. So, if you're doing subtle things (inadvertently) to undermine your leadership role around the house-- it will be counter-productive.

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. - Use Dog Whispering For Amazingly Fast Results - Any Aggressive Dog!

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