Aggressive Lab/Chow/Border Collie mix

by Shireen

My dog Bear is 2 years old, we've had him since he was 2 months old. We were told he was a black German Shepherd, but he seems to me to be more of a Black Lab, Border Collie, Chow mix. Maybe there's some German Shepherd in there.

In the last year, but especially so in the last 4 months, Bear has begun to show aggression towards people, and some dogs. He appears to be very protective of us, and is very territorial. He has always barked and growled in the house anytime someone walks by on the street, talks outside of our yard, or basically does anything. Sometimes he seems even afraid, and I can't tell why he is so nervous. When people enter our yard, he barks and runs up to them to smell. Usually people who enter our yard are friends, and Bear immediately turns into his happy, friendly self. However, the barking goes on throughout the day, with people, and with dogs in the surrounding yards.

He's snapped at a number of people in the last few months, including children. This makes me very nervous because we have a 10-month old (he has never shown aggression towards her, and is nice to her, but still I don't trust him). We also bring him to family events where there are children, and bring him out into public where there are a lot of strangers. Yesterday he ran snarling at a girl walking close by us at the beach, so it seems his aggression is getting worse!

I am concerned because it's getting to the point that I'm nervous to take him out of the house without some sort of muzzle, but I don't want to muzzle him. Generally he listens to my commands, though it is difficult to get him to listen once he gets going. He listens to my husband even less.

What do I do? He's a really friendly dog and is great at the dog park, but I'm worried he's going to really attack someone!

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Jul 15, 2018
Become The Pack Leader
by: Online Dog Trainer

Become The Pack Leader

Of all the questions that people ask "how to become the pack leader" is the big one! This is by far the most important question how to convince your dog that you are the person in charge. Think of the pack leader as the decision maker - where you should go on the walk, how to behave in different situations and how to respond to all the strange things that are out there.

When you understand how dogs packs work you soon realize the importance, that pack leader makes all the decisions. If you leave it up to your dog then there a big chance that your dog is going to get something’s very wrong and make a mistake!

In order to understand how to become the pack leader you must first recognize that the following means nothing to a dog….

What car you drive, the size of your house, the money you earn or the fact that you speak languages! Your dog would happily swap all of that for a nice snack!

Asking your dog to sit before her dinner falls a long way short of what you need to be achieving to become the pack leader and walking through doorways is only necessary when your dog is on the lead.

Lastly - dominating your dog is certainly not the way to become the pack leader in fact this can back fire badly on you later on if you teach your dog that physical strength is what it is all about. Whilst you may force your dog into submission it will not be convincing your dogs mind that you are worthy of the position and that you should become the pack leader only that you are a bit of a bully.

So how do you become the pack leader? All dogs worldwide, regardless of breed use the same ways to check to establish the pack leader. The best way to learn about how to put it into practice is to watch it being done on video as I have done through one of the video based web sites. The important areas to take control in are the following:

The pack leader will be in total calm control when your dog barks and alerts you to danger. This includes anything that your dog may perceive as dangerous and barks at in and around the property
On the walk your dog should not pull you at a single stage, even the beginning! Learning to walk your dog properly can only really be learnt through video as I have found out!

If you are the pack leader then your dog should be able to relax and switch off completely inside the house. If your dog is always switched on most of the time and can’t relax then that is your dog on pack leader duty!

Getting your dog to switch off is directly connected to how you meet and greet your dog after your return home. You need to watch it on video it is so subtle but it is the difference between being the pack leader or the follower.

Lastly, feeding your dog correctly will establish who is the pack leader and there is much more to it than asking your dog to sit! Also if you have a dog that is "not food motivated" then you may be in for a surprise!

There is one site that shows you – using video – exactly how to become the pack leader and how crucial it is to changing any behavioral issue.

If you want to understand more about this topic or see the videos that explain everything then simply take a look at:

The Online Dog Trainer here.

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