by Deidre
(fayetteville, nc, US)
I have a rescue dog and before I got him neutered he would growl and bite at, but not make contact, if he saw me or my husband playfully smack each other. Two weeks ago I had him neutered and now if my husband even touches me my dog becomes very aggressive and tries to bite, hes being overly protective of me. Is it because his testosterone hasn't had time to adjust or what? I have a7 yr old son and I am worried that if we are play fighting that my dog will bite him. I do not want to get rid of the dog, he is part of the family, but if he bites my son I will not allow that. He also growls sometimes when my female dog comes to close to me. And they were raised together from birth, I know this because I rescued them together when I found them wandering around in my neighborhood. They have argued before he was neutered but they only talk crap and have never bitten one another. I'm not sure what to do. Either its cause he needs time for his testosterone to level out or is there some other reason for this behavior. I do know that who ever owned them previously had to of abused them just because of their demeanor when I first got them. Please help
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