Aggressive Chiweenie Is Totally Stubborn

(Pittsburgh, PA)

My once sweet and loveable puppy is now totally stubborn and won't let strangers near him. There was an issue at a local pet store as a young pup with a large german shepard. That dog was fine, but my dog was scared to death of him. He's fine if he approaches people and wags his tail. Look out if anyone, however, tries to pick him up. He absolutely adores my husband. He views me as the Alpha in the house and actually bit me the other day. If my husband is holding him out in public and anyone gets too close, he will snarl and growl and show his teeth. He is only 7 months old and is getting neutered next week. He is a fear biter. You can tell when he's afraid because his ears will go down, the hair down the middle of his back will stand on end (he is short haired), and he gets that look in his blue eyes. The last trip to the vet's office was a disaster...they had to throw a towel over him, put on the cat gloves, and put a muzzle on him. He's difficult in the eating department, too. I've NEVER had a dog behave like this and he's driving me absolutely crazy. Thank God he loves my two grandsons. Although, he is quite protective of them, as well. HELP!

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Feb 02, 2014
Nothing In Life Is Free
by: Adam G. Katz

"You're going to want to give him a motivational correction-- but not one that's too motivational, otherwise there is a the possibility of him becoming defensive. I detail how to do this more explicitly in my "Secrets" book that you can download at"

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Adam G. Katz is the author of, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" -- which you can find at

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