Aggressive Blue Heeler (2 year old)

by jhayla
(fort wayne)

I got my australian cattle dog 2 months ago from a local shelter. They believe him to be 2 years of age. He was found dropped off in the middle of the highway waiting for his owners to return. Because of this he showed great separation anxiety in the beginning which is to be expected.

He has been a great dog up to this week. He has showed dog aggression since we got him but has gotten much better since we have been taking him to the dog park. But this week he sudden started showing aggression to people. He went after a little girl at the dog park that got in his face, he didnt bite her but he was growling and jumped at her. The next day he growled at my boyfriend for no reason at all. Two days later he tried to bite 3 young boys that were petting him and have petted him in the passed. The next day he tried to bite my grandma when she went to pet him. Which all of these things are very strange considering he has spent a whole day with kids before and never had a problem and right up till he went to bite my grandma she was was able to pet him and take his toy away to throw it?

I dont know anything about my dogs past and i'm afraid his agression is going to get worse the longer we have him.

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Apr 09, 2015
Best help for students
by: Calvin A. Huntley

I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.Thanks for sharing.

Aug 14, 2013
Stay away from dog parks
by: Adam G. Katz

Hi, Jhayla:

Stay away from dog parks. It's an unnatural environment, from a canine behavior perspective. They were created to make HUMANS feel better about their dog ownership experience, but it is not normal for a dog to be thrown into an environment with so many other dogs from varying packs. Plus-- the people who go to dog parks rarely have very good control of their own dogs, so ... you're just asking for a dog fight, even if your dog is not the instigator.

Still-- You'll need to address the aggression issue, when you're out in public with the dog. This starts by employing a "Nothing in Life Is Free" approach so that your dog starts to respect you, when you tell him, "No!" and is reinforced by using the proper training collar for your dog's temperament (and learning how to use it, of course).

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- Adam

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