by Stephanie
I got my dog from the SPCA a week ago. He had been abused, and can be skittish around tall people or large obects. He has growled at me three times, and tried to bite me twice. This only happens when I try to give him a command. He doesn't listen, so I sit him down so he knows what I expect from him. He understands he has to listen to me. I don't hurt him, I just grab his collar and sit him down. Other than these instances he is a great dog.
I live in an appartment and I have been taking him for walks in a nearby ally. I have been trying to off leash train him by letting the leash down because he doesn't like it so he usually walks beside me or just behind me.
He knows that he is only to urinate in certain places, one time he decided to wonder off and start to smell things, I told him to come to me three times and he didn't listen. When I started to walk towards him he became stiff, I pulled his leash to get him walking and he started to growl more, so I grabbed his collar and sat him down. I stared into his eyes and repeatedly said enough, until he heard people and decided to look over at them and stop growling.
I'm not sure what type of agression this is. He doesn't mind me touching his food, and he follows me everywere. He usually listens to me, but there are times that he completly ignores me, even though he knows that I am talking to him.
Comments for Aggressive 2 1/2 Year Old Abused Terrier Rescued