9 week old Aggressive blue heeler Aussie mix puppy

by Ashley
(Molalla oregon)

I bought a blue heeler Aussie mix puppy and have had her for a week and a half. We had to put my year old border collie down from a rare case of diabetes, who was our world and an amazing calm and smart dog. So we got Josi to help with the loss of Hoss. Josi our new puppy is starting to lunge at my face . And she is biting extremely hard. She's growling and I really feel its not just a play growl. She came from a good breeder and she's 9 weeks. I have tried
Yelping when she bites too hard for nearly 3 days and it didn't do a thing.

If I spank her she lunges at my face barks and will go to the other side of the room and lay Down and completely ignore me like she is very mad.

I've tried saying firmly NO and ignoring for 10-20 seconds.
I've tried these each for about 3 days straight. And have been Extremely consistent. She gets great exercise and is on a good diet.
What else can I try. Help please!!!!

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Watch Eric Salas youtube on training
by: Anonymous

We found a 6 week old heeler husky mix in the forest on our farm. We have had her for 4 weeks. She was wild at first, but has quickly assimilated into the family, including our 3 yr old black mouth curand 2 pomeranians. I uss the training tips from Eric Salas that is on youtube, especially the headstraight tip for our adult dogs. The puppy seems boisterous but picks up quickly on does and don'ts. Good luck!

You're not alone
by: Susan E

I also have a very aggressive 4 month old Australian Cattle Dog, Ozzy. He has super sharp needle teeth, he frequently lunges at me, attacks my legs, hangs from my clothing and he is uncontrollable at times.

I try occupying him with bones and pig ears. That satisfies him for about an hour or so, and then I become his chew toy.

If you find any training that really helps please send it to me at my email address sgeurop72@yahoo.com
Thanks & Good luck

Nothing In Life Is Free
by: Adam G. Katz

Employ the "Nothing In Life Is Free" approach, so that your dog starts to view you as the "pack leader." If your dog doesn't see you as the leader, then your corrections will be meaningless. So, if you're doing subtle things (inadvertently) to undermine your leadership role around the house-- it will be counter-productive.

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